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RE: What's True for Me

in #life8 years ago (edited)

One thing to keep in mind is that we WANT taboos with sex. No one who claims to find whatever it is sexually exciting should seriously resent that. If one finds breasts sexually exciting the last they should want is to wish away the excitement. It's a matter of economics.

The more scarce something is the more we find it valuable. If something is abundant we might not even recognise it's there. Most of us live in such incredible wealth and we still complain as if we have nothing. We can't appreciate all the things we take for granted that for all but an eye blink ago were the number 1 most desired resources. We live like kings, better than kings, but we can't feel it because a king is on the top and since we can see there's so many above us we feel poor.

When sex was more taboo it didn't take much to get someone excited, now much less is taboo and it's harder to get excited. If you like being excited don't try and get rid of the taboos and hope the excitement will stay with you. As soon as what was scarce becomes abundant our focus just shifts up a level.

How would you ever be able to enjoy feeling "liberated" sexually or otherwise if you didn't have anything to be liberated from? How would you ever be able to enjoy food if you were never hungry? If you could eat your favourite food every day all the time how long would it stay your favourite?

On a related topic:
(I edited this little)

There are those who say the purpose of breasts are for feeding children and so are not sexual, which is a very poorly considered point to make but I've seen it quite a lot when the subject comes up.

The argument is that treating womens breasts as sexual and for mens benefit isn't reasonable (side note, often assumed only men find boobs sexually exciting) when they're not for that purpose. The implication being that the only body parts we should consider sexual is the primary sex organs.

I don't think I've ever seen the response that what we find most physically sexually attractive and most important is usually EVERYTHING APART from their primary sex organs! How else would we ever get to see, or want to see, someones genitals if that wasn't the case? It's particularly strange to see women usually the ones found saying this, as more women tend to list physical features as sexually stimulating that are entirely unrelated to sex. Even the most graphic porn target at men tend to emphasise a womans entirely non-sexual physical features particularly her face as essential. That's not to say humans don't find looking at genitals sexually stimulating, but we only find it stimulating based on context



Oh boy...what a good point. Let me reply more to this later. Thank you for the thought provoking comment. :)