
That’s dope you actually have a genuine interest in what I’m putting out.
So this song called Twisted by Skylar Grey came on while we were peddling yesterday, you know it? I always turn it up when it comes on

I’m sure you do. What do think about it? Are you a Yelawolf fan?

Happy Earth day ya’all! (Thanks for the use of your thread @lionmom)

I have KC and JOJO All my life booked for @puravidaville, I can put Twisted by Skylar Grey for ya?

Whoever says they don’t know all the words to that KC and JoJo song probably says their kids don’t cry.. bull-cough! I can’t wait for that.
As for a request, nah I was just curious if you’re familiar with that Skylar song?
Trade sounds cooler... A drawing for a song or something.. utilize this platform like ka’pow!

It's a damn dope track and I need it in my life , so thank you for that !
I will have to do something with that track very soon!

I realized that I already have you booked for the song What Comes Around from JT
you can have 2 requests in a row, some people had 3 song requests back to back 2 weeks in a row, it happens!

As for My request.... I want to see some art about Syria bombing...

If it's too difficult or sad i will be ok with any social critique :)

Dude I won’t ask you to hold back on anything.. play em all! JT is dope, Prince is king, you already know.

We’re both big Yelawolf fans so that Skylar Gray, ya.. That song has all the open notes in it, I thought maybe you’d enjoy composing it as your own.

Syria. Dude, deal! I’m so glad you chose a landscape! Perfect. Take your time. I know I’ll need a week or two just to start.
Edit: I’m onto my 2nd cup, where’s that Monday morning @edprivat release?

Happy Monday ya’all! Eh, if it wasn’t for Monday’s, Friday would just be another day.

"if it wasn’t for Monday’s, Friday would just be another day." This is just perfect!
What you wrote today was powerful bro, well done!

Oh man, thank you so much! I saw what you wrote, I can’t thank you enough. I’ll definietly be paying my respect over there I just don’t have any frikkin power right now!! Danget! Dude I hate that feeling.. When you want to say thank you but can’t afford it so you try not to look! I’ll turn the computer on this afternoon also, I see you have 2 Dsound releases I haven’t heard. Can’t wait.