Hello everyone,
Today I asked myself a rather special question. Having often tried big projects alone I very often had to abandon because of lack of versatility. Indeed I am good in a field but not the others I find it difficult to diversify. So I wondered if we could really do awesome things alone?

The first thing I asked myself was: Would I have gone further if I had been surrounded? The most obvious answer is Yes, because we would have put our knowledge together and we could have helped each other. But the second answer (the no consequently) arises anyway since it is sometimes very hard to form a welded group. Most of the group projects I realized needed a leader but most of his projects were made up of people who challenged authority. So in the end we did not go too far. But of course most of the time being surrounded is much better and more effective than working alone. You just need to know how to surround yourself and everything will be much easy.
The second question I faced was: What is extraordinary? And I realized that this notion was rather abstract. Let me explain: we all agree that the creation of steemit is something really extraordinary: D, but the fact of realizing an independent video game if you have no basic knowledge in programming is it not something awesome too ? In fact to be awesome, a project does not necessarily need to be revolutionary or change the lives of thousands of people. It just need that a person find it awesome. Of course, more a thing is easier to do, the less it will seem awesome, and the difficulty is less hard when you come together to create something. So if a big development studio make a fairly simple game with a team of 50 people, the game will be banal whereas if it is a person who does this game itself without any knowledge this Game may be extraordinary.