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RE: Should Photos Of Children Be Posted Online?

in #life8 years ago

I agree. We made the decision to not put our sons face on the internet until he gives permission. With the way the world is changing children need to understand boundaries and consent. It also shows them that as a parent you respect them amd their sacred being. My son is 19 months old and has never been online. We told all our friends and family and they have respected our wishes. It is not that hard to do. And your child will be closer to you and most lilely thank you in the future. As much as I like seeing cute baby pictures, it is a total violation of child rights. I could go on but you get what I am putting down. Children have zero rights, a dog is more respected and protected by law. What do we want our future generation to become? Some thoughts. Thank you for posting this, it is very important for people to at least consider.


Not like I haven't been tempted cause he is so friggin CUTE! But he is more important then my passing thought.

It is a good to help them learn consent and respect. But the NWO is watching us.