Everyone is entitled to their personal opinion, respect that

in #life7 years ago


When I first started writing this post, I channeled all the emotion I was feeling into this post with the mindset of making people understand why it is important to understand people's opinion of things and how to strike a balance.
Each voice counts and should be respected. Because an individual likes the color white, the person should not automatically expect everyone to like white too.

I was talking about differences in personality matrices of some people a few days ago and I realized that I needed to go further and do more justice to that topic. A person who is inclined to a default setting or belief will naturally believe that that belief is right regardless of what others think and that often marks the beginning of trouble. When you naturally want to be a part of something, you have to be ready to incorporate aspects of that thing. In essence, respecting what makes that thing special.

When your voice is heard or when you make your voice heard, do you take time to listen to the voice of others? Is it your wishes or opinions that supersede or do others really have a say in what goes on?
I also once differentiated between equality and equity. Life requires more of an equity kind of approach to things. If everyone had a say in the affairs of things then life will be more fair. Even the steemit ecosystem employs the Delegated proof of stake where everyone has a say in what goes on in the ecosystem because for it to work, everyone has to have a voice.

In relationships, do we remember that your partner should have a voice? It should not be all about personal wants all the time. One person cannot have autonomy of decisions all the time and that means the opinion of everyone counts.
Let me use myself as a personal example, I am the kind of person who is willing to inconvenience my selfish needs in a relationship to accommodate others. However when I discover the other person is beginning to take it for granted, I usually react by going into a shell because I believe in people respecting my opinions too as long as they expect me to respect theirs too.

Opinions are so powerful that if not managed well, they could cause serious breakdown of understanding which leads to conflict. A person's opinion is an extension of his pride, treasure that and watch the miracle of peace grow.
People need to understand that variance in opinion could trigger a world war. Imagine two countries refusing to reach a logical conclusion on an issue resulting from a conflict of opinion, if unchecked, such could lead to war.

That goes to prove the power of opinions, and as sentient beings, we should understand that each other's opinion and respect that. The truth is that when your opinion is constantly suppressed both willingly or unwillingly to please people, or because someone else feels the need to dominate over your opinions, then that is really toxic.

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Indeed dear, as @pearlumie stated, people's opinions should come to mind but ours should have the same stake of equality when weighing options and making decisions.

The beauty of respecting everyone's opinion is that it breeds more respect. Well thought and written, it passed the message across beautifully.

Opinions should be paid attention if you wish to keep the relationship. Not putting one's partner's opinion into consideration make them feel unimportant or unreasonable and that's why opinions should not always be disregarded. If there's a reason you think your partner's opinion won't work out, then you should probably talk about it and make sure your partner is convinced by your reasons.

I for one like to hear and put people's opinions in mind. No man knows all and it's not possible for all of us to see things in one perspective. 0.5 from A, 0.3 from B, 0.2 from C, all will sum up to 1-that's bigger than what they all could have given individually. Listen to that guy beside you, he might be saying something reasonable, you never can tell.

Let me drop my pen now...

From my experience, I think one’s default stance is to assume that one’s opinion is correct all the time and even wonder why the whole world does not think in the same way. However, it takes a lot of self awareness to be able to understand that you are the kind of person who does not listen to anyone else’s opinion but expects others to listen to yours. We as people have to make the conscious effort to be more accommodating of other people’s point of view. If we do so, maybe we can all learn to live together peacefully.

Actually while writing this comment, It just occurred to me that I should write a post on emotional intelligence because one of the pillars of emotional intelligence is self awareness. 😊

Have you read Daniel Goleman's book titled Emotional Intelligence?

No I haven’t read the full book but I have read articles where his work was cited. When I was in the University, we were made to analyse several case studies where his work was cited. So I am quite familiar with Goleman, Mayer and Salovey.

Okay.. Just asked since your reply had the phrase Emotional Intelligence in it,which was the title of his book.

A message was left for you in my show ,you might want to check it out

@ehiboss word by word agreed with your point of view👍😊.Everyone has it's own voice point and perspective we should give respect😊.
and yeah when there is talk about equality and equity i would say first of all people should understand their actual meanings.usually, people can't differentiate.Equity refers to the qualities of justness, fairness, impartiality ,and even-handedness, while equality is about equal sharing and exact division.

Nicely said, everyone should have a say as well as hear others out. Thanks for sharing.

A hear voice is like a stone in a big water. It good to hear other people voice first before raising your voice

Thanks a lot for this post, most people are like that, they don't listen to other peoples opinion they always think they know it all. And most of them no nothing...

No man is an island, even island this days are dependant, so we should be accomodative enough towards the opinion of other, because wisdom never rest on one head, thats why we can see a car and the amazing co-operation between its components, the engine can't roll without the tyre, when we learn to accumodate then we are good to go. Thanks for the write up.

Beautiful write up. But would the same apply for "opinions matter", if the opinions are only birthed of negative (perhaps selfish, or sinister) concerns, and clearly so?

Absolutely spot on. Like one of my favourite quote says:

I may not agree with what you said, but i would defend your right to say it.

We are all entitled to our opinions, because we think differently, which is borne out of the different backgrounds and experiences we have been exposed to. Changing people's opinion is actually one of the many things we can't control. I wrote on this recently; "Power To Accept Things You Can't Change". Nice one, brother.

Power of opinion should not be underestimated, which is why i will never turn a deaf ear to the opinion of my woman.

I've once been a victim of neglection, where i deliberately refused to see her opinion about something that will be beneficial for both of us
It eventually bounced back and the consequence was massive regrets

Cleanliness is achieved when both hands rub each other, relationship isn't an exception

I will always advise people to never overlook their partner's opinion

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