What's life for anyway?
If not to live life to the fullest, what are we living for? If we are only here to live fully, why don't we go out and do it? I'm not a health nut. Goodness no! I drink more Dr Pepper than most humans drink water. But I love being active, playing physical sports, doing parkour, (on a minor level), and exercising. I like being outside and doing slightly dangerous and irrational things. Don't you?
The picture is of a team I went with to Uganda, Africa! We were there to minister humanitarian aid and do Christian Evangelism to give the people hope. But we had a ton of fun along the way! This was a day we climbed a "mountain" in Soroti, Uganda called Soroti Rock. It's not a difficult climb for a young, moderately in-shape person; only a few thousand feet with only a few steep inclines. As you can see, it's not just youngins up on top of the rock:)
We had fun times! But only because we dared to take the challenge. The climb might be difficult, but you'll never get the view from the top if you don't try.
What's the point?
You're never too old to try. You're never too young to try. Life is short. Live it while your have it. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, or even the rest of today.
If you never make the climb, you'll never see things differently.
The view from the top is spectacular, it changes how you see the life around you.
When you see things differently...
We didn't just go to make the climb ourselves. There are people living and working around Soroti Rock who have never been up the mountain. They've never seen the view from the top. We have. We came with a purpose to preach hope and Jesus Christ to the people at the bottom of the mountain. Those stuck in apathy and blindness. All they had to do was climb a few thousand feet to see the world from God's perspective.
They gathered to hear us preach, common laborers, some hecklers, drunks, one man came yelling last us and saying if we really wanted to help we would give them money. But money doesn't help a man without hope.
How do you get the drive to try?
Do we just wake up and start being fit and active? No. You have to work at it, build habits, have a desire to exercise and a goal to chase. These people had no hope, no drive, no purpose. They were living for survival, to make it to the next day with no plans beyond. We told them about God and how he wanted them to live free from poverty, hunger, thirst, and want in heaven for eternity.
Get out there and live it!
Run to the darkness, scale the highest heights. Chase after hope and truth. Get up and be active! Don't be tied to fear of failure, stuck in apathy, lost in hopelessness. You can do it! Keep your eyes on a goal and don't stop until you've attained it!
For Christians, this is a challenge to get up and preach the good news of Christ! People are lost and dying and you have hope and light in you; you carry the truth: speak it!
At the end of the day, say a prayer for others. Praise God for who He is. Glorify the goodness of the Lord and be at peace and rest.
--Stay classy
'Don't be tied to fear of failure, stuck in apathy, lost in hopelessness. You can do it!'.... Love this... Fear of failure shuts down even the greatest potential! Thanks for sharing
@janique Absolutely! It's a message people should hear more. I'm not afraid of failure, I'm afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter.
Well said, I agree!
Wow..me too am afraid at succeeding at things that don't matter. I just wish i knew about this when i was still younger. Good am here now.
@tesaganewton It's sad that we waste so much time being afraid of the wrong things, and not afraid enough of the right things.
nothing beautiful come from fear
Well it's nice you're in Uganda and amazing to know that you are here. Am Victor.