"The hardest prison to escape from is your mind."- Unknown.
No one is happy being in a prison and no matter the amount of "comfort* provided in that prison, there is nothing that will be better than escaping.
The mind is a battlefield and in it lies uncountable assaults weapons, tools and soldiers and until you are able to master the mind, there will always be bloodshed in your paths.
If you can escape your mind when it throws before you difficulties, you will be well able to overcome anything.
Then mind is first the matter by which your plots and strategies are formed on and subsequently executed.
You win over the mind, you win in life.
Do whatever it take to understand your mind and know what it takes for the process to go full circle.
Push when you have to and pull when it is needed you cannot exchange one for the other; you must always be ready to do that which is need.
Make it a point of action to join forces with yourself and get your mind into constructive agreement with you and the plots you have so put out to achieve.
No one knows you more than you do, so do your best to stay clear of the prison region of your mind.
This is very correct @ejemai. The MIND, truly is a battle ground. Many have lost their lives through this battle of the mind. ......the Bible says (Prov. 4:23) keep your heart with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life.
Wow ! This is a very powerful concept! You know as a man thinks , so he is . If we fix our minds on being free and cheerful always, nothing will stop this joy from showing off !
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