_hit Happens!

in #life7 years ago

“Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the blade or the handle.” – James Russell Lowell


Mishaps are a daily occurrence in the lives of great men and women like you and I, but like knives that they are, we are either served the goodies that come with them or the pain it originally flows with.
You either make it bleed or bleed for it.

You cannot be both sides of the story, you cannot be the front and the back at the same time. One side has to be seen at every point in time and not the other way round.
Pick your side and stick to what you know; and like the knife, you either are Served or Cut.

I Feel Blessed!

Personally, I like to be both at different times because we must be served and then, cut to truly experience the process flow. The pains makes the sweetness more profound and appreciated.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Hmmm true words ... you can’t have your cake and have it. You know I’ve tried to realize my aspect of live and I’m sticking to what what’s make happy.

Life is double sided and knowing what makes us groove with the flow is worth following through on.
Stay awesome!

Thanks sir .. I feel blessed already .

Thanks and stay awesome!

This is deep @ejemai, I wonder what prompted this write up.

Mishaps are a daily occurrence in the lives of great men and women like you and I, but like knives that they are, we are either served the goodies that come with them or the pain it originally flows with.
You either make it bleed or bleed for it.

Stay awesome!Thanks @gloeze, life prompted the thoughts and no matter how well we think we know the situations and what they hold, we are never truly at that place where knowledge becomes unusable.

Wow!!! I'm inspired by your post @ejemai. That's life brotherly, it's either it serves you or cut you just like razor blade .

Thanks for the motivation @ejemai

Thanks and stay awesome!

Maybe we meet some few bad people in life, so when we meet rhe good ones, we can appreciate them. Same thing with being served or cut, pains and gains. When we experience one part, we tend to appreciate the other part more, especially when we are at the receiving end of hurts.

We must miss the vital aspects of smiling to be able to appreciate the tears and the vital aspects of tears to appreciate the smiles we so much take for granted.
Stay awesome!

Yessssss!. You are right sir. I admire your depth always. You bleed awesome.

People do say life is not fair. Yes, I agree. Life can't be a bed of roses, all the beauty will fade no one will apreciate it. Hence, we struggle (knife) for it(roses) to either be cut or be served.

If cut better for us, we will learn and value the rose we are able to acquire.
But if served, we will trample on the rose, goodies, waste it and not save it. Because, we do not suffer for it.

As for me, I could go for being cut before served. A yoruba adage once says "it is what you suffer for that lasts longer with you".
@ejemai your posts are always inspirational and got me thinking deep! They made me speaking and thinking in the ways of the elders who chew proverbs to drive home their points. I hail you sir.


"it is what you suffer for that lasts longer with you".

Thanks and I like this adage so much because it goes to tell the importance of truly putting work to achieving a goal.
Stay awesome!

@ejemai, this is lit:

Pick your side and stick to what you know; and like the knife, you either are Served or Cut.

To me, mishaps are opportunities. You either chicken out and be crying out the hurts or take the challenge and become a master in it.

Thank you for the inspiration.

To me, mishaps are opportunities. You either chicken out and be crying out the hurts or take the challenge and become a master in it.

I think you said it there. Opportunities never come spelt as opportunities, they come mostly spelt as crap and dirt. Sieve through and find your gold.
Stay awesome!

Yes indeed they do.
"The pains makes the sweetness more profound and appreciated."
Rightly said sir..

Without sorrow, how would we know what true Joy feels like?.
So once again rightly and well said.

Stay awesome!Thanks @lizbethk. I like you take on the issue, pain is love and love is mostly as a result of the pain we were forced to go through.

Hi @ejemai ! As I replied to you the other day, a person will fall many times in life, and what is important is to stand up every time, and sort each of the obstacules and learn from them, to make something even better next time. The path is the most important thing because is what takes more time, and we need to learn have to make the path with happiness. The accomplishment is made in a moment of time, and thats it.

Speaking about the steem-ambassador, Yesterday I made the first post of the series.

Post 1 of 12 of the Series - Going to a University and Schools to present Steem and Steemit to Students - Earn Rewards on Steemit even if you just Signed Up Today

Looking forward to your feedback!

Regards, @gold84

Standing up everytime you fall is a must do for anyone trying to make something of their lives.
Thanks for this and also good work with the promo-steem article.
Stay awesome!

Exactly @ejemai ! Just replied to your comment on the post. Regards, @gold84

You cannot be both sides of the story, you cannot be the front and the back at the same time. One side has to be seen at every point in time and not the other way round.
Pick your side and stick to what you know; and like the knife, you either are Served or Cut.

This is deep, maintaining our line in life is very crucial. Thanks for this refreshing topic sir. We learn everyday.

Thanks and we must be willing to learn daily as it is the only education that we have to live with.
Stay awesome!

It all depends on where you grab it, for some persons they get to hold the handle by that they don't get to feel the pain while some persons grab the blade and those person suffer the pain. A saying "no pain no gain" tends to come to play in their lives because even as the pain come there is a turn around time for happiness. Nice post @ejemai

A saying "no pain no gain" tends to come to play in their lives because even as the pain come there is a turn around time for happiness

As in everything in life, there is a time for everything and surely a turn around time for happiness (love this).
Stay awesome!

The moment one knows that life is a not a bed of roses, then any ups, you enjoy, any down you hold on. There's always a bright light at the end of the tunnel. No wonder the Bible says, if you experince sorrow in the night, joy cometh in the morning (don't mind me, I put my own version)
Thanks for this @ejemai