More the knowledge...

in #life5 years ago

"More the knowledge, lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge, more the ego."- Albert Einstein.

The more the knowledge, the lesser the ego because, you will have no room for emptiness but contents with good worth.


The lesser the knowledge drives in lots of ego because, the space will be wise enough to accommodate emptiness that comes really overvalued.

Fill your mind with positive thoughts and learn as much as you can because, the spaces in between your mind needs to be enriched so there is not expensive emptiness within.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


I couldn’t agree more, the more you accumulate superior knowledge the more empty you realize you were, which in some cases might make you humble and egoless
However, in some cases, we’ve seen very proud knowledgeable people in which their source of pride comes from the density of information they have and know

Thanks. Knowledge has a way of making you become less of an empty person and more of a rich in attitude individual.

I think we should all do more of the learning than of the empty speaking based on ego.

Stay Awesome!

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment