"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop."- Confucius.
Slow and steady wins the race... is a word I first heard in my earliest days in school and it really didn't make any sense to me because, I have seen many men who decided to go slow and steady but ended up being the losers.
If "slow and steady" is required to win the race, why is everyone else running so fact that their main aim is to outdo the others?
I guess the meaning meant more than just what the word tells when it is spoken.
The win is not usually to the swift nor to the mighty...
As I grew up, I started to understand what that word meant and how it best explains our situation as humans, either as a selfish or selfless bunch.
Be deliberate in your strive for greatness and do not allow the fact that you are not moving as fast as your neighbor make you fail to finish the race.
You mustn't let the speed of your opponent scare you and if it does scare you, run faster and you will slow and steadily win the race against even the fastest man alive.
Life is a marathon and not sprint. Sprinters usually do well in the very early and shortest times, but it is only the marathon runners that get to the end of the stretch.
Don't stop, don't faint and don't be tired because you are slow, allow the fast ones start and just when they are getting tired, you will be gaining momentum and ready to lead the pack.
You must never stop running no matter how far the journey may be. Whenever you are on a race, be determined to reach the finish line, then you may have taken your journey at a slow and steady pace.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!
Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz: