"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly."- Proverb.

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I love the caterpillar and everything about it's life that I will do anything to live a day in the life of that slimy never going to survive worm.
In fact, we do portray that life and for as long as we grind, we are likened to the caterpillar who isn't given a chance to survive because, it doesn't look like it will.
The caterpillar has the most remarkable story. A story that mostly tells of how it has to struggle through to becoming a butterfly with the most radiant colors.
Caterpillars are slimy and most die before they even start.
The process it takes from a maggot to be coming a butterfly is one painful one,but when it does scale through, it beautifies our world.
We are all working to become the best versions of ourselves and many of us are caterpillars for the longest time.
The process to becoming the people we want to be is that period of incubation which mostly never gets fulfilled and many surely die from the wait.
But, for those who are able to turn out a butterfly, their stories are told with so many colors that leaves the world glad with joy.
Enjoy your caterpillar moment and you will surely live to see your butterfly kissing the flowers.