What do you do when all seems lost?

in #life5 years ago

There is no day without its challenges and no matter how you pray and wish on a star for a challenge-free-day, you just have to have your share of the pain.

Challenges are as real as the fabric you put over your skin and more than ever, it keeps evolving to be bigger and even more troublesome. Your fear, trembling, wishes and all the positive energy you can gather cannot stop the challenges from coming, but it will help you find a workable path to take.


When it all seems like its never going to get through to the next light of day, brace yourself up and keep pushing through the day till the day fizzles out making way for a fresh one.

Fighting and toiling is what life is made up of and when you stop doing both, you will have nothing tangible to look forward to on the morrow.
The battle is usually not about how the day ends, but about how well we are able to utilize the lights and brightness of the day.

The challenges are real and no one should tell you any different. If the day is all smooth and easy going, take a step back and search yourself to know if you are in a dream or just haven't woken up yet to face the offerings of the day.

What do you do when all seems lost and there appears no help or hope in sight to navigate the day?
What do you do when all the fighting and toiling ends up in a loss of finances and ability to keep pushing?
What do you do when all you see is a lost cause and results that looks like they will never be seen as one that passes the challenges?

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When it seems like nothing is working again, when you’ve made inputs but not reflecting in the results, when you’re pushed to the wall and it seems you can’t fight back, when the dip persists, what do you do?

You keep pushing, and if need be, change strategy and keep pushing. That’s when you’ll find an inner strength you never had before and then soon things will fall into place