in #life7 years ago


The way you can be happy; you will recognize yourself and pass through it in a meaningful way, you must observe yourselves in your sadness and joy as well as all the living and the reactions you give to them in your life, and your aim in this is to know yourself only.

As babies complete their development in their mother's womb, they breathe through the umbilical cord and begin to breathe a small amount of blood in order to train the lungs as the time of birth approaches, but the actual palpitations of the lungs are possible after the birth.
After the belly button is cut off, the mouth and nose are cleaned and the breathing is opened and the lungs are filled with air, the new cry for the baby is a bit crying, and the first crying sounds and the journey begins

So we come to the world crying and we are strangling our families with this our voice because it is a godsend that everything is in order.

Life can be laughing from time to time as sometimes we cry, important when we are sad, we are sad, we can live our love right when we are happy.

To be able to live a happier life, you need to be reconciled with your life, and the following suggestion may be a more pleasant and happy life when you pull yourselves into your life and give them integrity

1. Give Priority to Yourself

Give priority to the issues and events that will make you happy before your life is good and evil is yours. Selfishness is the right of everybody, people should think first of themselves and be able to direct their life towards their own desires.

From time to time we are guilty of "we are very selfish", but everyone is selfish and this is the nature of life. No one can make one happy without being happy.

2. Change Your View Point

Looking at the same direction in the same direction,
to look at it in perspective and to understand your other personally as well as your personal development

3. Specify your limits

Use your own free will in your life, be responsible for designing your own experiences, and set your boundaries. If you can not determine your boundaries, you can see that the areas that you leave blank spaces are not violated.

With your behavior you have shown in your relationship with your spouse, friends and people in your circle, you can leave an impression of where your personal boundaries begin and end.
In another form of expression, we can summarize as follows; If you do not want your house to be robbed, keep your doors locked, if you do not want the flowers in your garden, surround it with fences, show enough love, compassion and love if you do not want your loved ones to be taken away from your hand.


4. Observe Your Life

Watch your life like a film strip, what you dreamed of, what you are living now, you're happy or you're just alive. You want to be a mother, but now you are only a child, you want to be a woman in love with your husband, but now you are just a married woman, you want to be loved and loved, but now you are alone, happy to be old, but now you are an old man?

If you are struggling with a lot of negative emotions like these, things are not going well, but you are not considered late for anything, re-visit, throw the seeds of your intentions with your desires and wishes, make them with your intelligence, then act with your determination.
In your life you will see that you have created wonders again.

5. Get Rid Of Your Bad Habits

You may have bad habits that have taken you captive in your life, but you do not have to carry them as a hump on your back for life, get rid of it all and relax. For example, if you are a smoker, you can try to quit, even if you do not succeed, you can try again and again, you can watch and delete where you made mistakes every time, and you can get help again. Just ask and try hard.

There may be things you want to get out of your life like this and this, and even if you are aware of them, it will even guide you.

6. Pass Your Goods Globally

If you work at home or at work, give it to someone you own but do not use, or remove it from your life in any way. All kinds of clothes and other things you do not use will weigh you with negative effects in your life. When you get rid of these, you realize that you are alleviated. If you only have clothes that you love and use in your gardrobe, you can reorganize the settlement there to find both easier to find and more organized.

7. Share Your Friends Time

Being together with your loved ones from time to time gives you energy and happiness. You can evaluate your leisure time by making small travels with your loved ones, sharing experiences that will have a positive effect on your life and increase your well-being.

With the suggestions above, only a few of you can make life happier, you can re-examine your life and make discoveries that will make you happy. Just do not ask for it enough, knead it and shape it like you would in your hands, but not too late.



wow u look like so pretty

Thank you

u r must welcome pretty