Geeze, you're makin me blush :P What a great photo of the kids, and really nice intro post...
@pennsif keeps a running list of all us preppers and homesteaders, so a good person to follow. And they have made a great Discord channel HomesteadersOnline here
I am glad to see you posting <3
Aw lol :). Nothing but the truth though. And thank you. It's about the only one they're not making weird faces in haha.
Thank you for the Discord link too!
I am going to try and aim for 1-2 posts a week (if the kids don't run me ragged first) lol.
That's a good amount to start with...quality far outweighs quantity here :)
Also check out @alicemarie for lots of good canning posts :)
Oo awesome! Thanks for letting me know. I'll give her a follow now!