When you are triggered by people who verbally puke on you and act like if it is cool to do so, it is best, to take a step back, breathe deeply, have a walk with the dog, make a tea instead of another coffee, calm down, watch the whole situation from far away and breath again.
breath is the mother of all yogis,
a wise old man told me when I was young. He also told me that you can not be angry while breathing deeply and relaxed. It is impossible do to both at the same time. I tried it and I really have to agree. A simple but highly effective anger control mechanism.
Don’t Feed Anger
It is very hard to remain still and silent while our emotions are burning us inside out. Anger floats our bodies with different chemistry like an energy booster and makes us want to do something we could regret later.
stepping back
has the quality of deescalating things, allowing space for the other person to let it out and maybe feel less pressure or pain afterwards. Seeing things from 3rd person perspective and watching the conflict unfold from far away without emotional aggrandizement is also a powerful tool.
We often confuse aggression with strength and non-action with weakness. Giving in to the impulses of anger is weakness. But it takes a lot of strength to face our own fear, usually the root of our anger.
This world is allready full of greed, hate and division , no need to resonate these destructive frequencies further. Sometimes it is nessesary to face the ugly truth and to communicate bad things to inform or warn others but you should never get lost in negativity alone. There is darkness and bright sunshine, Life is both positive and negative and every healthy soul needs a well balanced mix of both.
Life itself is such a fractal beauty, we should really enjoy this short wonderful strange trip called life on this cosmic irrelevant sand corn called earth, captured by and traveling along with our sun. One of trillions of suns.
Nature is what resonates best with me and it is an important tool to stay healthy, to calibrate and harmonize my soul.
toxic troll comments
Most of the time it is not you doing anything wrong, most of the time you are just a proxy, a projection space for someone to unload all his/her pain, hate, fear and anger, that release of an inner pressure pile up without a chance to ventilate the pressure elsewhere. It is just a mirror of the verbally puking persons struggle in his/her life. The more you think about it, the more you feel sad for the person who is in urgent need to attack you, an angry inner child in need to hurt without any rational reason. Similar to an alcoholic with agressive tendencies who also feels the strong need to verbally or physically abuse most of the persons arround him/her.
time to act
When it comes to ugly defamation below the beltline, you have to step in and confront the poor soul with real life consequences either with words or your fist in his face, either with your stake on Steemit or through a legal process in real life. Living a balanced life does not mean to do nothing if someone accuses you falsely of very bad and ugly grave things. You have to set limits and communicate them. Sometimes a controlled dose of anger without loosing your inner balance, without being eaten up by aggression yourself can be used as a powerful tool to make things clear, make the destructive pattern disappear.
We are all human, nobody is perfect
I am sometimes easy to trigger, specially when I don´t feel too well with my own perfomance in life. Stepping back when the adrenalin shower sets in is my secret tool to not get caught in the bad vibes too badly and to avoid resonating with destructive frequencies.
all pictures shot by @elgeko using a panasonic dmx fz-200
Hey @elgeko Its so satisfying to go through your pictures, They remind me of my childhood.
'breath is the mother of all yogis' you nailed it with this line. I am a yoga practitioner since last 4 years and i can connect with it:)
I have joined my favorite communities on the 1Ramp App
@elgeko, Great to read your post after long time and in my opinion i am reading it at best time for sure because in this post you are showcasing your other side other than artist. And for sure you've mentioned some points which can play vital role in life.
Life is Dynamic and in my opinion it is not wrong if i say we make life dynamic through our thoughts or overthinking thoughts. And yes we cannot do two things at one time so it's better to breathe hard when we feel the anger.
Nature is ultimate reality and ultimate beauty which will going to heal us no matter in what situation. And i can say that no one can get better companion than nature because it never judge anyone and always welcomes everyone with it's beauty.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Great written , with deep truth inside ... take a deep breath ;-)
Have a great Time - Bro :-)
thanks my friend. . . . will do!
I freq out too when someone is in a spiral of destruction. Modulating emotion is really simple but when anger or fear sets in it can create harsh feedback.
I paint sometimes to chill. The brushstrokes are therapeutic. I find it's a great way to vent without verbally barfing on people.
I smoke cannabis and try to relax. I also make mushroom stem tea. It contains a natural muscle relaxor that works great for my tremors and mood swings.
Dude, those autumn pix are like color explosions! Freakin' Sweet!
oh dear this is really greet photography.i like your post. i think you are natural lover.
Wise words to reflect every day...
I can't wait to depart on fall adventures myself.
These landscapes are so pretty!
im #naturelover!
...there's still a little problem with not getting angry, as the fanatics are so sure of themselves while the wiser people are so full of doubts.
Great article! Thanks for sharing bro.. That's is why whenever I'm stressed, I choose to travel alone. One with the nature!
nature is amazing