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RE: If Man Had Landed On The Moon There Would Be A McDonalds Drive Thru Up There By Now.... 69 Reasons why You Should Moon NASA for The Mindfuck

in #life9 years ago

ok so im childish and you believe they dropped men on the moon 50 years ago to play golf. so we have something in common ; ) whoever wants to stay alive and keep sucking on the tit of the state is in on it, once they wake up, but most cant see it, even when decades of research and whistleblower evidence is presented to them in a convenient eye catching funny post.. its ok like i said i argued against the idea just like you for over a decade flipflopping, doesnt matter where we stand, as long as we are allowed to think


I wonder why no one ever reaches over the head of our politicans. If they were reptiloids, and three meters tall, you should hit something. Boom, exposed... Never happend. But I guess that's tit-sucking, too? Oh, and the nazis went to Pluto and were back for supper. Heil Axel Stoll! meme Axel Stoll

And by the way, not paying attention to the argument I stated, shows, that you can not falsify it. I am a woman of science and I think you can only proof, that something falsifies a theorie. I showed that your "theory" has a major issue. And you can't falsify that. So you start nagging that you are SOOOO much smarter than everyone else for you see how we are lied to. Thank you, proofed my point of what a bunch of s*** this is.