This is the first video of yours I am watching. So, I don't really know the style of videos you create. But if you are into making videos that need a lot of outdoor shoots and camera movement, then I highly recommend getting a good quality camera with image stabilisation. If your'e into filming in a set up where your'e just talking to the camera, then invest in the accessories like a gimbal attached to a tripod base. That will be enough to stabilize videos like this one. Quality of the content will be up to you in both case but the clarity of the video definitely gives a better experience for the viewers. And if your'e into making videos seriously then using phone as a recording device has some limitations.
Selling SBD I think is a good idea since you can make that amount if your'e into creating more content with better quality. Then again, I am such a minnow who is yet to use cryptocurrency in real life.
PS: Since I am also looking for a camera upgradation (little long term goal though) and going through similar dilemma, I would be looking forward to this thread for suggestions. Do keep us updated about your decision :)