Hello and welcome once again my dear readers, I had been absent from the platform for some work reasons, and after a long week, this past Sunday I decided to release some stress with a little physical activity, for that reason I left to climb the hill the Casupo.
Where it is located?
El Casupo hill is a wonderful natural lung that is located northwest of the city of Valencia-Venezuela, it has approximately at its highest point about 980 meters above sea level, it is very easy to access it.
Let's do some physical activity.
Most people come to this park to do some physical activity, especially if you come from long days of work, it is advisable to release stress and at the same time keep fit, also come people of any age, if you have family, you can bring the children to spend a fun day.
It is important to mention that the route has two main sections, the first section to the first house, the terrain is sandy with a steep slope and large trees with immense vegetation, additionally, the road is similar as climbing stairs with high steps.
The second stage of the route to the second house completely changes the relief of the terrain, since it is rocky and totally open with little vegetation that can cover you from the sun.
Finally, I invite you to come, if you ever come by the city of Valencia in Venezuela do not hesitate to visit this beautiful place. Thank you all for reading me, see you in the next post.