On the beginning of the path to enlightenment, many of us are usually under the impression that as soon as we begin delving into books dealing with the occult, ETs or hidden technology for example we will sooner rather than later transform into ‘Ascended Masters in 5minutes’! Okay, seriously, there was a time I saw a video on Youtube titled ‘Become an Ascended Master in 5minutes’ and it was the funniest thing ever! (lol).
This to be honest is not exactly true in reality because first of all, it is one thing to have information and another to look into it. Then again, it is one thing to have knowledge about something and another entirely to begin applying it; and, there is always the question of how reliable your source of information is.
In this post, I’ll share with you things from my own personal research over the years and outline ways on how to gain handle and discern information for the ultimate benefit of YOU, let’s go!
When dealing with what I term ‘fantastic information’ like exactly how another species of people look, whether they even exist in the first place or details of events which happened in times past and so on, it is important indeed very important for reasons which are very apparent to anyone who begins pondering over these things to not bother about them at all when they cannot be verified, but to instead focus on the core values of the illuminated lifestyle which he/she aspires to have and the verifiable parts of the story.
Never believe anything solely because you just feel it’s right. If there is no verifiable evidence to support what you are reading, then it is best you suspend it in your head. Because, when reading information from sources with good intention to mislead or confuse you, their articles or books are sometimes written in such an emotionally charged way to sway you by rousing up your emotion with virtue-signaling, emotional-blackmail, etc. to pull you into their world so you can be fed with more lies simply put. Emotions can cloud judgment when used alone and this is one of the biggest mistakes made by religious fanatics.
Different sources of information all come stem from different people with greatly or slightly differing ideas over time. So, not surprisingly these people won’t exactly agree a 100% on everything. As a result of this, the person who was supposed to be getting illuminated soon becomes crowned with confusion owing to this person saying this and that person saying that on the same topic in a lot of cases. For example, let us take a look at the origins of Kemet(Egypt). Based on the varying sources I’ve turned to over the years, I have seen 3 stories for the origin of Egypt. One says the Annunaki are the ones who started Egypt, another says it was the Human Ascended Master Thoth who started up Egypt while the other claims it was the Sobek Crocodilians and Cat humanoids from Sirius who began Egypt. Okay, what are you supposed to believe in this case, especially when there are historical, cultural records and even physical evidence to back each of them up? My point here is to state that until such a time these things can be verified, in order not to end up confused because you will get confused if you keep soaking up every bit of info you come across like a sponge. The reason is when you accept two conflicting things as reality, the next thing your brain will try to do to make sense of it all is to merge them together and then you have a brain fart and you’re even more confused than you were in the first place! You MUST learn to suspend information in your head, put them on a sort of stand-by. Yes, as Aristotle said ‘It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”.
Another important thing to note is the existence of varying timelines. As should be generally known linear time simply does not and cannot exist, the future is not set in stone because a multitude of things can happen now which can cause varying futures. As a result there is no fixed past and no fixed future, the pasts being the futures of other points in time and the futures being the pasts of other points in time. Due to this varying factors can be seen as the causative agents of a single event, so this should be kept in mind at all times.
At this juncture, I would like to point out that everything isn’t all rosy when searching for the truth. The global elite are not stupid and know that no matter how well their plans work out, there always is, no matter how small that dissenting group of individuals their mind-control tactics failed to work on. So, how do they deal with such people? An excerpt from the book titled ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ states ‘In order to bring public opinion into our hands, we must put it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such a length of time as will suffice to make the goyim lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to the conclusion that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind’.As if it couldn’t get any worse, they witfully supplanted this plan with some people popularly called Illuminati dis-info agents, placing them as heads of scientific institutions, leading professors in Universities, and simply experts who are called to analyze issues on the news, documentaries, schools etc. ( I will post a list of these people in the near future) This goes to show you how much the global elite do not want you to know the truth and the implications it will have on them if you do.
For my sixth point, I will be stating the words of Mark Passio who I think did brilliantly explaining this. He said: There are five things that shut the Human consciousness down, five modules that attempt to keep people rigidly inside of their walls and if you are subject to any of these, you are not going to be able to expand your awareness to understand what has been going on in our world and they are:
-Politics: If anybody identifies with the left (Democratic/Liberal) or right (Conservative/Republican) etc., you are going to be sorely disappointed or angered.
-Religion: Religion in general and by this I mean the cultural religions of the world. You will end up getting warped views, delusional thought processes and a dogmatized world view that will inevitably get you out of touch with reality as the other four will.
-Scientism: Not what I call real science but what I call ultra-rigid skepticism in the form of quote on quote ‘science’ which has been pedaled away from actual science in today’s world.
-The New Age Movement: Which he (Mark Passio) has done a lot of exposure on. You can check out his research on the movement on his website WhatonEarthisHappening.com or watch his videos on Youtube. I will provide a link dealing with their terminologies and way their information is presented below and deal with this in a future post.
-The Monetary System: The monetary system in general. The general belief in money, period!
If anybody is looking at the world, their whole paradigm or world view through the lenses of any of these modules, then good luck; because you are already putting yourself within limited confines and personally, I feel that anyone looking at reality from anyone of these five perspectives is denying him/herself a lot of things because they are looking at the world from a close-minded point of view.With points 5 and 3 in mind, and if something has a religious stint to it, don’t bother because there is something that is essential to learn in the quest for truth and that is, picking out the gems. A lot of times valuable pieces of information might be scattered here and there in a vast body of false information, what you do is that you pick out those gems and leave the rest. It is absolutely essential because you might not come across it or it might not be explained as well elsewhere. For example Stephen Quayle’s work has Christianity written all over it but the man has done phenomenal research on Giants.
I support gathering information from here and there in order for one to piece together a particular thing into a bigger picture for clarity and understanding and all, but there are some things I advise anyone to avoid. If you are going through a particular material and you see it is based on hierarchy or has any degrading spiritual information concerning you as an individual, the Human race or any part of creation at all, if there are any gems take them and dump the rest. If there aren’t any, then discard it completely. The link provided below will deal with the rest of this point, but to New Agers and anyone who believes this, there is no such thing as a ‘Draco Reptilian Humanoid Hybrid Shape shifter Alien’. I saw this a lot when I still identified as a New Ager and I’m still seeing it. Honestly it’s rather funny or just plain confusing now or the Pleiadian Sirian Overlord of the High Council of some constellation or whatnot. Words, language has energy behind it. Using such terminologies draws you farther away from creation when uttered through your mouth or simply thought of, leading to your disconnection from yourself and ultimately getting lost and out of touch with reality.
Ultimately, your purest source of information is from within. All this information and much much more can be conveyed to your conscious mind by your Source, your Inner-Self or your Spirit Guides once you begin establishing a connection that you constantly keep strengthening with them. You can in the Astral Planes through astral projection will the Akashic records verify pieces of information you have come across to their smallest details to start with. To deal with this topic here is something that just not possible within the limits of this article but suffice it to say that a glorious journey awaits anyone who wisely turns their attention to this!
Okay, that quite wraps all dealing with this topic up. I truly hope that I have provided valuable information that benefits all who read this and it is my sincere desire that through investigation and research in the search for wisdom grounded in unconditional love for all creation, each and every one of us gets illuminated and we then move forward into a bright and happy future as a collective of humanity in harmony with the rest of creation.
Light and Void
pic source: Google
Hi @eluemina, congratulations!
I selected your post as one of three winners in my contest for undervalued minnow posts. Your deep gnosis is bursting forth from every word here! This post was a solid and concise exposition of the broadness of reality and how to process it's endless in-formation. To see what I wrote in today's post announcing the contest winners, click here. Once the two posts pay out, you will receive 1/3 of their final SBD payout (split with the other two winners.)
Glad to see this type of wisdom on Steemit (it is rare to see!)
My sincere gratitude and appreciation to you! @d-pend I was so happy when i saw this, it is always a pleasant feeling to know your work is being valued. Thank you once again! I've followed you by the way and would be glad if you do the same. Stay awesome!
Light and Void
@eluemina you did a wonderful post and I am upvoting you for your very good quality work but also for @d-pend. He did a great contest and you certainly deserved winning! I wish you all the best!!! Have a great day!!! :D
Thank you so much! @cabbagepatch Your comment is much appreciated. Just gave you a follow, please do the same so we can support each other. May all your days be great from henceforth, stay blessed! :)
Yes at @eluemina. I am happy to follow you as you really do quality work. I admire those who put something into what they write and you certainly do. Have a beautiful Wednesday and a positive and loving week left!!! ..... Cabbagepatch :D
I wish you the same as well, and i'll be watching out for your future posts. Stay awesome!!! :)
Excellent post my friend!
Much gratitude! Oh and by the way, i just followed you. Please make sure to do so as well so we can support each other. Cheers. :)
Thanksss!!!!!!!!Hi, I just upvoted this great post and hoping you could do the same to this post of mine: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@glasscannon/hola-steemit-its-nishant-xd
Thank you very much @glasscannon! I'll do that right now!
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Good post, deep subject.
Thank you! @outwalking
Wonderful post. A lot of food for thought here.
Thank you very much! @manofmiracles
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