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RE: Tyred

in #life3 years ago

Oh deary me, this was a pickle you had got yourself into! I am going to give you something now...a gift! Earlier I wanted to go out and when I was on my way back home, the road looked a lot darker than it should have. I checked that I wasn't wearing my sunglasses instead of my normal specs but I had chosen the correct pair. I stopped my car and went to have a look at my headlights. They were fooked. The right hand side was literally as dead as a doornail and the left side was literally only the tiny side light that was working. So there I was...driving down the road, all manner of oncoming traffic swearing at me under their breath no doubt.

"What the fuck? Why does she have to shine her brights? Let's shine ours right back so she switches hers off."

And there's little old me going "I'm so sorry guys, I'm sorry. My bad."

You wanna know the worst part? I have duct tape and it's going to fix my headlights just as much as it would have fixed your flat...but the absolute fucking donkey ass part is that I have two brand new globes sitting in the door of my car, I just haven't needed them....until now. Guess we'll both be mending our cars tomorrow in one fashion or another.

You deserve a beer after that ordeal. I'm surprised your duct tape buddy didn't offer to buy you one, if I had been him, I would have.


I had a beer sans donkey troll man. In fact, I went mega further and had a beer with only friends who I could twist the tale into victory man win wit

I would like to think that no one could accuse you of not duct-taping hard enough. Then again I would like to think that I couldn't be accused of the same thing too, lol!

I'm glad you went and had a beer and told a tale that wasn't as woeful, I need to check my spare tyre, I haven't looked at that thing for a while, it's probably also flat.

We'll be back on the duct taping horse soon Meesterboom, we just need to keep trucking. I'm glad you got it sorted and that you got it sorted without damage to your car, even if it dented your pride a bit. These things happen and at least you made it fuck off funny :)

Get checking that spare! I shall never again get caught out. Although Iprobably will, haha.

I did have a consolatory beer or six last night. In the pub too! It healed me :O)

Healing powers of beer after being tyred out, it's been documented in history for decades. I think I'm going to do just that first thing in the morning, check that spare and put in my new headlight bulbs, I might even end up washing the car :)

Steady, washing the car might be going a tad too far!! :0)

Lol, I always do that, go right to the edge and then jump off hahaha. I managed to sprain my neck last night somehow so there will be no fucking car washing today! I'm feeling my age today.