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RE: I'm Officially Retiring from Writing Hive Posts

in #life2 years ago

Nothing I wrote is worth taking too seriously and I'm roasting myself as well since I'm the one getting all the dirty looks now.

moment... I like this post far better than his by the way, because apparently I'm one of those cocksuckers or fangirls or whatever other demeaning thing he said - it wasn't that memorable.Hahaha well, I ended up here via @intrepidthinker who was having a bit of a

I am ok with you not posting about Hive and the system. One of your most enjoyable posts I've read was about you writing about how your post was literally about nothing. It worked at the time and appealed to my very dark, dry sense of humour.

Onward and upword, even if we have no consumers.

"Build it and they will come" apparently they didn't get the memo
