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RE: Feeding Twins, Feeding Ourselves, & Working Full-Time

in #life7 years ago

Hey! (I just saw your comment)Yeah I am a twin, we are identical. Are your twins identical?
I really don't know what kind of advice to give you, I'm sure my mother would have something to say though.. lol! My mom says that before we could speak we used to have a language that we would talk to each other that no one else could understand. She said it sounded like we were having full on conversations with each other but it was gibberish. (Which is weird)
We were pretty dependent on each other, socially, so when we went to kindergarten they decided to separate us into different classrooms.
Apparently we both went to full on rages after being separated (I assaulted my teacher I think lol) but in the end its for the best because if we weren't separated we would have just kept in our own little "twin world" and wouldn't have been able to form relationships or identities outside each other. So, when they get to school age, I would recommend separate classrooms even though it will be very difficult to watch.
We are still close now, she just bought a house about 7 blocks away from mine. :) If you have any specific questions let me know! Cant wait to see updates! Good luck :D


My twins talk to each other too! I've got a couple videos of it ... it's so cute! That's good to know about needing to become your own people :) I'm interested to see how they keep growing into their personalities. You can already see that they have their own. I'm planning on homeschooling, so I'll have to be a good teacher and make sure to teach to their differences. Do you have different learning styles?

The doctor thinks they're identical. But she isn't 100% because she wasn't the one who delivered them. Their discharge papers were 2 months after-the-fact and incomplete, so they didn't really say. However, they have the same birthmarks, folded ear, etc.

I really hope my twins stay close as they get older too! Would you say you're more dominant as the older one? The eldest (by 45 minutes) is physically very strong and I'm guessing she'll be the bossy one too ;) (I'm an oldest too by the way ... someone's gotta take charge!)

I think we have the same learning style, we both fall into the visual category.
Yeah, my sister and I are very close (but that doesnt mean we dont fight and get into We were actually hoping she was going to find a house closer than she did buy but there was nothing closer. (We would have even moved literally next door to each other ideally! lol)
I am about an hour older, but I don't think of myself as the dominate one now (I might have been when we were younger.) I do tell her though that she should listen to me because I know a lot more, since I'm older, lol!
A lot of people ask me "what its like to have a twin" And I honestly dont know how to answer that because I don't know what its like not to have one, I usually say "Whats its like not to have a twin?" haha.
I think though having a twin means you have someone that can pretty much read your emotions/thoughts unlike anyone else, we can communicate by just looking at each other, and you feel the other ones emotions. I remember being in school and not wanting her there when I had to get up in front of the class and speak because I was so nervous, and she felt the same. Its because we both felt each others anxiety. If I embarrassed myself, she would feel it too. Its hard to explain!

I love this! I've wondered if they can read each other's thoughts/emotions... sometimes the way they look at each other ... I'll have to figure out how to describe it :)

Is your sister married too? I haven't read her articles yet. I wonder if the two of you will have twins?!

They definitely can or will be able to read each other!
My sister is engaged, I dont know what the future holds, I cant imagine taking care of twins, Im sure we drove my mother insane... you deserve a medal :)