Just received another one of those calls...

in #life5 days ago (edited)

My father called. I had fallen asleep, the sound of the phone woke me up.

-Your uncle has died, all plans for tomorrow are cancelled....

(5 seconds in silence which feels like eternity).

-Uhm...are you still there?

-Yes, I was just... processing... Put her through.

-(I heard my mother between choked sobs)

-Mom, I'm so sorry.


You know, one of those cold calls.

Don't ask me why. After being silent for 1h with my inner thoughts I thought I needed to write about it.
And here I am, with chill background music. Slightly melancholic, nothing too harsh.

He was a distant relative to me, it had been years since we had interacted beyond the strictly mandatory. I grieve more for my mother's pain than for my own.

A month ago my grandmother also died, this one hurt me much more, although it was a natural death. She was already very old and suffered from dementia that had been evolving for years.

She was no longer able to recognize anyone. The only thing she had were brief moments of lucidity in which she remembered from years, sometimes decades ago.

How is life eh?.....

I don't know if you need to read this, if you have it in mind or not, what does it matter. At this point I write mainly for myself.

take care of your own. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Let them feel your warmth.

Once will be the last time and you won't know it.

Lots of love. Take care of yourselves.

Posted Using INLEO


I think old age-death is a bit bearable especially since you know they've lived their full lives although it's always difficult. I hope your mum will be able to bear the pain. Take it from someone who lost all my parents and siblings in the space of 14 years, it's never easy.

SO... you're alone sir? only friends no family?

Yes, the nuclear family I grew up in, all of them are gone, at a young age too

Holy, sad to read that.

Now you're living alone? (sorry if I'm disturbing you with these type of questions), just asking out of curiosity.

How you're handling it?

Sorry for your loss, even if you weren't close.

Thanks mate. Appreciated

My condolences my friend

It will be all fine. thanks

Take care bud.

I'll be fine, just need a bit of time. Thanks for the words

take care of your own. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Let them feel your warmth.

Once will be the last time and you won't know it.

Absolutely; and given I'll likely be in that same situation soon, those words resonate even more. We have to enjoy all the moments and take them as blessings, instead of something for granted.

Hang in there, mate. Abrazo largo!

Gracias, amigo. Espero que todo genial en vuestro lado de la península :)

Casi todo! ;) !BBH

Even though you weren't close I am sorry for your loss. I have a feeling I am going to get that call about my grandfather soon. He moved away a long time ago and I haven't seen him in a long time.

Thanks for the words bozz. Have a good Sunday man ;)

Thanks, you too!

Tell your loved ones that you love them. Let them feel your warmth.
Once will be the last time and you won't know it.

I'm so sorry for the death of your uncle. I still think that I've lost so many opportunities to tell how I loved my father... Even in the day before he went for surgery. There isn't a day that I don't relieve in my mind our last words to each other before he was admitted at the hospital. I remember him, joking about it... Saying that he probably wouldn't be able to "wake up" from the anesthesia. Well. It wasn't what truly happened, but it was the last time that I spoke with him face to face, and standing in front of each other.

My deepest condolences

Gracias por abrirte de esta forma O. te lo agradezco mucho. No recordaba el detalle pero sí que hablamos al respecto en su día.

Lo que me recuerda que deberíamos escaparnos pronto y ir a veros en algún momento (pronto!).

Este esta siendo un año lleno de cambios, pero llegará. Espero que todo bien.

Un abrazo enorme de vuelta.

Eu é que te agradeço toda a tua abertura numa publicação que acredito que não foi fácil de escrever... Mas como dizes, tem um efeito terapêutico. Expressar os nossos sentimentos, tornar as nossas emoções, e conseguirmos dar-lhes nomes, acaba por ser uma forma de conseguirmos continuar o nosso caminho.
Tenho a certeza que irás conseguir avançar, mesmo com todas as coisas que este ano te estão a acontecer na tua vida, e que certamente te impactam...
Um enorme abraço, meu amigo F.

May he rest in peace. These are the days when you don't know what to say or do. Writing it down and sharing it makes you feel a little relieved.

Felt as the right thing to do for my mind. Thanks