I believe in the power of LOA. LOA stands for Law of Attraction.
What is Law of Attraction?
What we think about the most we attract more of. So for instance. If you are a negative person that only sees the dark side of life, then you will attract darkness. If you are an optimist that sees every day as an opportunity then you will find opportunity.
I do however understand how people can start thinking negatively about the world. Perhaps someone has had a run of bad luck and try as they may they cannot see the silver linings in the clouds, the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be non-existent and when they boldly take the road less traveled they end up at a dead end.
We are all susceptible to getting lured down the dark alley of negativity but there are ways to break the cycle. One is to wear a rubber band on your arm and snap it everytime you have a negative thought. This will cause self-awareness. Most negative people have no idea how they project themselves onto the world.