⏺ Climbing the ladder of success! My opinion! Part 3

in #life7 years ago

Steem work to make the dream work.
~Not sure where I heard it~

Alright, I'm so pumped up right now! Let's do this. So in the previous two parts of this 'climb the ladder' series, we discussed the 4 points that I think are the most engaged with one another, that influence growth in life. If you haven't yet, I recommend going and checking out Part 1 and Part 2. If you have gone through them, then let's continue.

In this post, I am going let loose how I think these principals can be used on the Steemit platform.

So, we are all coming here, giving this Steemit success ladder an attempt for climbing, but the question is, are you prepared?

Are you open-minded? Because in general it's one thing, but on this platform, oh boy.. You need to take it to a whole other level.

The thing about this community is that everyone has their own opinion. Further more, they are all enticed to share it with others. This is in my opinion, a great thing for the platform, as it really promotes a diverse community. However, you also need to be disciplined to your own course.

It's a little contradicting, but I am saying you need to have balance. Being open-minded means that you open yourself up to HEARING other people's opinions. This does not mean you have to LISTEN. This means you should at least consider the reason why various people have their own specific approaches. You can learn a lot by that.

Unfortunately, one cannot simply take advice from anyone here, as there are too many opinions to consider. All being very different. You need to open your ears, and close your mouth. Keep your mouth closed, and take action. Then have your actions speak for your words.

Now for being coachable.. It may seem very similar to being open-minded, but it is not.

When you are coachable, you willingly submit yourself to a mentor. Someone who has achieved the things you are aiming to achieve. Just always remember, if you knew what your mentor knew, you would have what your mentor has. So for that reason, you need to shut up, listen, and apply.

On this platform, we are lucky because we have the Steemit.Chat, and Discord chatting platforms. About 80% of the active users are on those chats. Many of them are approachable, if you know what buttons to press.

Find someone who you think you can learn something from, and literally become 'their bitch'. Sorry for the language, but I think that best describes it. You need to suck up as much as possible. Anything to get some valuable info out of them. I can tell you now, from experience, 80% of the whales you contact will not just start having some conversation with a random person. They need to know that you are not there to waste their time. Besides, it's not their jobs to mentor you. So don't expect it.

When I joined this platform, I was having a very tough time. I went through many ups and downs. The biggest wake up call for me was when I contacted about 10-15 whales straight off the bat, and almost no one cared what I had to say. I would think in my head, 'But we all need to start somewhere, right?'.

I learnt from that experience that rapport and relationship building really plays a big role. Don't just message anyone randomly. They need to know about you before you contact them, otherwise what reason are you giving them to even read your message? Go comment on their blogs until they are comfortable with you, then contact them.

My goal ever since that first experience has been to be different. My goal here is to support the community. With that being said, I want to be very approachable on these chats. If you guys need any assistance, you are welcome to drop me a message, and when I have time, we can get straight into it. I am by no means saying I am any 'guru'. I am only rep 65, and not at the top yet, but if you think you can learn from me, then I would like to help you. Just know I am the kind of person to get straight to the point. So come prepared!

That's my offer to you. I know how tough it can be to find someone here, who can actually stand helping people in true need. Now at least you know that you may send me a message at any time, and although I cannot have a conversation, I will take a quick look, and try and help! Just understand I cannot always respond ASAP. I have almost 100 unread messages on the one chat as of right now. It's piling up, but I will make it my mission get to it.

Let me know your thoughts in a nice comment. If your comment is above average, I will make you a personal thumbnail, and put in the effort once again to give you a resourceful response. I have 28K SP, and I enjoy rewarding effort!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous post:
Climbing the ladder of success! My opinion! Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @jokossita! Let's send her our love and support!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #5: Comment your links! New partnership announcement!! Our contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone: 2000+ followers, Rep 64, and 6500 total posts in 86 days!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

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This is so inspiring my friend. You went from 200$ per week to 950$ per week in only a month lol. Just crazy. I am happy for you.

I think I might visit you someday in cape-town my friend to learn more from you.

Soon it will take you 4 hours per day to answer to comments lol.

What up my man :) It's been quite a journey so far. This is just the beginning for us all. I am both very grateful and excited for the future of us all.

I think I might visit you someday in cape-town my friend to learn more from you.

Let me know. We can talk some crypto and get some shit done :)

Soon it will take you 4 hours per day to answer to comments lol.

Why so little ;) I'm ready! Let's do this my man!

Very nice having someone like you here in steemit. More power!
I'm a new member at Steemit.
Please follow and upvote @abkktk

You are spot on again my friend.

As a beginner of this platform I made some mistakes and my recent one was when I made a post regarding beefing up security for steemit wallet then went knocking on the whales and dolphins door (developers and witnesses) to see if they can shine a light to our questions.

My big mistake was I just went and posted it without thinking of changing the reward, I should have picked decline pay out so that whales and dolphins will upvote it to raise more awareness.

Despite that, some whales were kind enough to give us feed back like @gtg and @dan.

How is this connected to the main post you may ask. I guess if you go on knocking on whales' and dolphin's doors you need to make sure you will not look like a fool and make sure you have interesting to say which will get them respond to you.

I made myself looked like a fool because they thought I was knocking on doors just to get upvotes but in reality I was just trying to raise awareness regarding security. But I had a very good article or question that is why they at least replied.

I don't know about other's but I am not the kind of person begging for upvotes.

Nicely said my man. I agree. It's all about our approach.

Look, I wouldn't say it's really required to make the post a declined payout.

If you post is great, then you should be rewarded for that.

You have a great point though. You need to have something that you provide, and you need to show it. Otherwise it'll just seem spammy :)

A very informative and attractive post you've got here @enazwahsdarb. I'm so glad you're willing to help. This is not common.

Thank you so much! I appreciate those ind words :) Stay awesome!

We have two ears and one mouth. It's best to use them proportionately.

Having a mentor is also a good idea. :)

We have two ears and one mouth.

Oh damn snap crackle and pop!! Hellz yes to that.

Very nicely said my man!

Nice man! It's something I learned from a great teacher.

Well then.. That teacher was one wise person :)

I am a different kind of minnow, I needed not only a whale poop but a real food from a caring whale that will nurture me until I am back on my fins. @enazwahsdarb

Eyyy it's MR. Inspiration himself ;) What up my man!

That was very uniquely described hahaha! 'Whale poop' :D

Stay awesome!

yeaaa!!! You are doing great, you would totally make an awesome mentor! :)

Karen, you definitely get the Lady-Boss award right now :)

Stay awesome sister! Thank you for your kindness :)

awww that made my day :)

I'm glad :) Stay awesome my friend.

you going to Steemfest by any chance? :)

I'm in South Africa :) So... Not this time. But I will undoubtedly get to the next big one, no matter where it is! Next year.

You? :)

Yea flying from California! 😀

good shit, man. I gave up on steemit a month ago due to losing a job so I powered down everything to pay the bills and am starting back up now that I am beginning a new career soon.

I am going to work all day and steem all night.

I appreciate action oriented motivational posts like this one. One of my favorites because you never know what good it can do for someone just by reading what you wrote.

Definitely earned a new follow from me. Sorry my upvote isn't worth anything at the moment. In due time, I'll upvote another post once I build back my steem power.


Thank you for those kind words. Appreciated!

Good to see you are back. Take that step forward and just go all out :)

I appreciate action oriented motivational posts like this one.

That's brilliant to hear! Thank you :)

you never know what good it can do for someone just by reading what you wrote.

That's what I love about these things. They have so many hidden contributions!

Stay in touch! Go for GOLD!!

Relationship is key in any business transaction... and here it’s extra important.
We try and try but 99% will get nowhere with this...

Well, I will not deny that :) Relationship sure is key.

I mean, then again, the 99% are not doing the same stuff as the 1% :) I am very confident that if any random person who to put in 10X the amount of effort into anything they do here, they will make it big.

Thank for your response :)

Seem like you put 10x the effort even into replying to a comment :) effort and persistence...

I appreciate that you notice that :) I feel sometimes maybe I'm wasting my time lol, as only about 10-15% actually respond.. Thank you for giving me your opinion.

Stay awesome! Let's go.

Its not about the quantity.. its about the quality :D

For me it's both haha! Go for gold :)

Hello @enazwahsdarb

Since ever you left a good comment on my post, I have been a regular visitor your blog. I think you're a living proof of your strategy. Thanks for sharing.


Yo my man :) I really appreciate that.

I am glad I can be living proof for my words :) It's only the beginning! Let's do this.

Thanks for the present @enazwahsdarb. Wow this is really cool.

Nice article again! I agree with you, we -minnows- need a whale mentor for sure, but they are real hard to get (just as you wrote). There are houndreds or thousands small fishes per whale seeking for their attention. It is hard to get there, but I will keep trying and I will do it!
I'm gonna grow BIG!

Thank you very much my man! I appreciate that :)

Love your attitude! It represent a hustler ;) Keep at it.

Again, u have a great helpful post..as i always do, upvoted , resteemed...

I understand for someone to grow,climb and succeed here, HUMILITY plays a vital role. This goes with being open and be willing to.be taught. We need to understand and begin loving being with people in a community. And when we are.being coached, we need to COOPERATE, too. Useless are the people who are very willing to help, sharing bright ideas, if the subject doesnt cooperate and closed.
Thanks much always for being helpful, too.

For.me, its so.nice to grow with people, for it is with them where we learn and get wisdom for.things we dont.know...

Just a simple recall on my previous post on discussion about JOHARI WINDOW, the 4 windows of our personality...

.things We know and Others know
.things We dont know and Others know
.things We know and Others dont know
.things We dont know and Others dont know


I understand for someone to grow,climb and succeed here, HUMILITY plays a vital role.

So very true man. Perfectly said. Having humility works so well because it's a constant action of complimenting other's (in a sense). Making other people feel good. because you undervalue yourself :)

Excellent comment by the way. Thanks for that!

.things We know and Others know
.things We dont know and Others know
.things We know and Others dont know
.things We dont know and Others dont know

Nicely done!

Thanks for inspiring always your readers....ure really great, man!i

Experience is the greatest teacher. A mentor can help you avoid the mistakes that newbies make. I hear so much advice while reading blogs and some I automatically accept and apply while others I say one person say this; another person say that. The good thing about opinions is they all apply rather right or wrong. In the end you have to follow the opinion that works for you. A mentor can help you find the right opinion even if its not the one that works for you.

Stay awesome. Very nicely said my man. Totally in agreement with you. Pretty much a summery of my point in my article :) Beast mode!

Your tips for success are really nice and inspirational as well as motivational. Thanks!

Oh thank you so much :) That was sweet of you to say!

I appreciate your kindness.

Very helpful post! Thanks for your advice, we will keep those things in mind. Building successful account on steemit is not an easy task,but you're a good proof that it's possible. Keep it up, you've got our follow!

Only my pleasure my friend :) Very nice comment!

you're a good proof that it's possible.

Thank you so much for that! I appreciate your kindness :)

You are awesome! Let's do this!

Nice!!! im a newbie here and I will be following these things (and you ofcourse!).. thanks for the tips. will be checking your first and second part of climbing the ladder. thanks!!!

Awesome stuff! Thank you for that. Let's do this!

Are you graphics just embedded images that you've created? I particularly like the line breaks!

Do you have any experience with posting videos/vlogs to Steemit? :)

Hey my man. My graphics are all custom image files yes :) Definitely not markdown coding hahaha!

I actually do not :) I don't do video content. Why do you ask? :)

Great info man. This isn't exactly intuitive to most of us so hearing it "straight up" is a breath of fresh air!

Thank you for that :) I am glad you like the info! I agree, sometimes it's not the most true feeling. but it's what is necessary :)

I appreciate your response!

Good post - again

There are countless bullshit management-speak motivational posts on here.
It's good that you can distill it down to a simple message -e.g perseverance

And offering support for people is a nice move!


I appreciate that. I am glad I am able to get a different appeal to you. What's the point in being normal? :P

Stay awesome, and let's do this!!

Your graphics crack me up! Thanks for all the great content :)

Thank you so much for your kind words man! Here is a graphic for you :)

Thanks for all the great content :)

It's only my pleasure! Thanks for thinking it's great :) Stay awesome!

If i knew what my mentor knew, I'd be my mentor's mentor. Staying humble is key. Thanks for this great piece.

Hey Cynthia :) Thanks for that! I really appreciate that you come through my content lately :)

Stay awesome!

I am a big fan of your good works...you can't help but have me visit daily. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh that's so awesome to hear! Thank you so much. I look forward to serving you with only the best :)

I trust you already.

Amazing story, still foloow you to get more and more informations to get a good one here ;)

Thank you so much! I appreciate that :)

Totally agree. It's very hard to find mentor that matches your core beliefs and values. Finding a mentor is difficult, finding the RIGHT mentor is very difficult. But we must not give up. Let us try and try until we found that right mentor.

On the process of looking, we need to put a lot of dedication and hardwork on the things we do.

Amen to that sister! Nicely said :)

You are a great, coachable person yourself! Keep up your hustle. I saw all the messages you sent me. I just need to get to them. I will make priority for you :) Talk soon!

I'm exhausted right now. I spent 7+ hours making my SATURDAY PROGRESS REPORT # 1 and my internet is so slow. Talking about hustle.😂

Looking forward to it. Thanks😊

Maybe you are what I am looking for to get a lot of writing about my own development in Steemit. I want to find friends here and greet each other, give each other support. I have found some friends who are always present in my post. I think I need to share this article with them, I resteem.

I appreciate that! That was awesome of you to say :)

Definitely, friends and relationships are the name of the game when it comes to engagement I would say :)

Thank you very much my friend 😍😊👍

Only my pleasure my friend :)

But I can enjoy the happiness of your pleasure :-)

Awesome. I follow @enazwahsdarb...tanks

Thank you for that :)

well done, great job!

Thank you :)

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @steemthat.

Thanks Dr. Drotto! :)

This post has received a 25.00 % upvote from @binkgirl thanks to: @steemthat. Your Comment Upvotes Help Us Both Grow. Thank you!

After long days of absence.and inactivity in the community here, coz of the painful and tragic loss of a cousin so close to me and family, as well..
Feels so good to be back, reading posts like this.... Thanks a lot..
You may check my comebacking post, too.. With high hopes i gonna GROW and ACHIEVE better and BIG here with you.


Welcome back my man! Keep up your hustle. Talk later!

Thanks always...its worth coming back..hope u check.my posts, too.

SteemThatBotMoreIGrow . Please Upvote My Comment To Help Me Verify More Posts.This post has been verified as a quality post and received a 16.67 % upvote from @binkley thanks to: @steemthat.

Thank you very much @binkley!

SteemThatBotMoreIGrow .You Are An Excellent Steemian. This post has received a 49.51 % upvote from @steemthat Return the favor and SteemThat Person Back: @enazwahsdarb, @steemthat.

Please Upvote This Comment To Help Me Grow!

Thank you very much :)

good man

This Post Is Very Steemish. More People Should Follow And Upvote This Steemish post which has been verified as a quality Steemish post and received a 25.00 % upvote from @steemish Be Sure To Say Thank You To @steemthat. So What Does "Steemish" Mean To You? Please Upvote This Comment To Help Me Grow So I Can Verify More Posts!

You have an excellent post about the relationship of people here. About how someone is looking for. About how someone has already reached considerable heights. We all try to achieve a lot here. For example, I want to find friends here, read the original content, and, of course, make money. Because I have no other way to earn money now. But the question is, how much does this network mean for us? How much do we want to try? How far to try to be better? Search and find?

Very nicely said. I appreciate your kind words about my post by the way :)

You have a great point! Keep on going.

The Steem Price is rising us all up today !!!!

Hell yeah it is!! :) Exciting times.

Perfecto! More People Should Upvote This post which has recieved 25.00 % upvote from @cbcheek Be Sure To Say Thank You To @steemthat. Please Upvote This Comment To Help Me Grow!

Thank you so much :)

This post has received a 3.53 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @steemthat. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!

Thank you very much :)

Upvoted and Resteemed.

Thank you!!

Great post. I know no one has time to hold my hand on this platform, but I sure could use some guidance. I'm still new here, as of 15 days ago, so I'm not getting overly impatient. However, I recently had shoulder surgery, which failed, and now I'm looking at a second surgery, including muscle and tendon transplants, which I may not be able to get because in 2 weeks my employer is going to officially terminate me because I've now been off of work over 12 weeks, and my health insurance with go with my job. I'm 57 years old, and only had my commercial drivers license in order to earn a living. Now, with my medical situation, I can't get my doctor's release, or Department of Transportation physical exam to drive again. Not that I could now do it anyway. I'd sure like to get something going on Steemit, as I really believe in the network, but my posts don't seem to get much attention. Many people seem to be prolific with their posts, but I seem to come up with few ideas. I guess it would help if I had some money to invest, but now I don't.

Hello enazwahsdarb thank you for your inspiring words and example you give us .For me personal tuch is very improtan if you can tuch others whit your words that creat value and conection and this social media at it best . So personal story from me .Four month ago i bought my 1st cryptocurrency 0.5 BTC at that time i knew that is a lifechaging moment for me i felt realy exited .I know there are a lot of steemians out there that can relate to what kinde of exitmen i am talking about one you cant fall a slip at night .It is true my life is changed now it wasnt easy but it was fun i learn so much and enrich myself in many ways.A week ago i come to personal realization that brought the same kinde of exitment in me .This personal realization is about steemit the platform the community the tehnology and the potential it have .So i am going to follow my exitmen goint get involved whit steemit.

You need to open your ears, and close your mouth. Keep your mouth closed, and take action. Then have your actions speak for your words.

I like these words... Yeah we need to open our ears and close our mouth. Then have your actions speak for your words

I love people to mentor me as much as possible and i love to listen whats on their mind. And if I learned something I'm trying to apply on myself or in my content. ..This is really good @enazwahsdarb !..

Anyway I could see... U will be a mentor someday or U already mentor now heheh.. so keep it up my friend ..u are doing great

This post has received a 16.67 % upvote from @steemdiffuser thanks to: @steemthat. Steem on my friend!

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This post has received a 10.95 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @enazwahsdarb.

Thanks for the boost :)

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Thanks for the upgoat :)

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Sneaky Ninja Attack!!
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I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...

woosh I was summoned by: @enazwahsdarb.

This post has received a 16.67 % upvote from @steemthatyes thanks to: @steemthat.

Thank you!

In 1888, more than 300,000 mummified cats were found an Egyptian cemetery. They were stripped of their wrappings and carted off to be used by farmers in England and the U.S. for fertilizer.

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Any mentorship you can throw my way would be appreciated. Ive seen the action your posts get and im in aw.

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