✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

in #life7 years ago

I am going to be blunt. Some of you might try and give justification, saying that that's not true. Yes, I understand maybe your mother or father might care.. Or perhaps your Husband or Wife.. But when I say 'no one', I mean people in life. On top that, I mean life itself.
Life does not care about you.

The reason I am making this topic is because I tend to see people going through life acting like life owes them something.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Life does not care. People around you do not care. I do not care. We all have our own paths to walk, and our own lives to live. People will tell you they care. They will make-out like they will listen to your problems, but let's face it, who wants to listen to other people's problems?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there aren't kind people out there. I love helping people. I have grown lately to get such a warm feeling in contributing to other's.

What I am talking about is expecting help from other's. Far too many people go through life limiting themselves. Living mediocre lives because they blame their surroundings. Try to make excuses, and feel sorry for themselves.
No, I'm not targeting only a few people by saying this, I am talking to 99% of people reading this. I am not ashamed to speak the truth here. I have been told to speak with passion in my content, so that's what I'm doing. This is a big deal to me.

Listen up, if you are not happy with your current situation, then you need to get off of your ass and do something about it. If it's a financial situation, then let me tell you a little secret..
The richest person in the world, and a homeless person are both only human. If you are human, you have the potential. So stop bitching. Stop moaning. Just take hardcore action.
See the problem comes in when people don't act on their own lives, because of somebody else not playing their part. People like to make excuses. Trying to justify the situation.

Actions = results.
The only way to be a winner in my opinion is to be a leader. You need to be able to lead your life. Take charge. Cut the crap, and look at reality
Nobody cares about your situation. The only who can change it is you! Now look, we are all emotionally attached in life. Sometimes we feel amazing, other times we feel down in the dumps. The trick is to develop the skill to manage those emotions. If you are in a slump, you need to be able to manipulate your emotions, and take control.

Force happiness into your head, and get to work.
Just remember, you're a beast! Don't accept anything than what you expect, and through perseverance, you can have anything your heart desires. It will be a tough road, so learn to manage those emotions, and I'll see you at the top! Why do you think @grantcardone's 10X Rule works so well? The point is to do 10X more than you have ever done before. That's it.

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
I give you my salute! Let's do things out of honor. My contribution! Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @iamrosallie! Let's send her some love!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: Why I am not a millionaire yet! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #3: Comment your links! I am offering free services!!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.


Fuck yeah.
All I've got to say.
Rock on. 🤘

Hahaha love the attitude my man. What's amusing is that it's a kid in your picture :D So the language is funny.

As you would say, Rock on!

That's actually me a few years ago...
Guess I better use a more recent pic.

I wish they would start teaching this concept in schools. Maybe not be as blunt about it as you have but at least give them a realistic expection of what life will be like as an adult.

I feel like a lot of parents and schools are deluding their children into thinking life is going to be easy and that little effort is required to be successful. And if success doesn't come easily and immediately well that's just not fair and other people should be expected to fix it for them. I've seen it with some in my generation (I'm 37) and a little moreso with each younger generation.

I had to work full time through college and everything I have now is a product of hard work, seemingly endless menial tasks, things I do to reduce my cost of living (like fixing things myself), etc. Sure I complain just as much as anyone but I don't think anyone owes me anything (not unless I've lent them something lol).

I could go on and on about this but I'll stop right here. Thanks for posting as I think a lot of people need to hear this and not many are blunt and brutally honest enough to say it.

I totally agree with that. Schools really do not prepare much for real-life. Sure they do some basics, but there are so many other useless things being taught, they need to really change things up. I get very sad every time I think about how much time I used to waste in school. Not doing anything really productive, listening to the teacher shouting at me because I didn't want to do the stupid work. All I was thinking is that if I have a laptop and some real work, I would full-on grind.

and that little effort is required to be successful

To be honest, I think the real problem is that people a raised not knowing what success is. That is in my opinion the reason why so many people have to fail countless times before obtaining real success. Not because they were never capable, but because they were brainwashed into other stupid beliefs before the experience part.

Nice comment man. Very true indeed.

Well said Zane king 😊 says it as he sees it 😉
So true what you say, can be hard for some to hear but nessasary. Nothing gets better from feeling sorry for ourselves and complaining how our life is bad and others better..😕
All that energy use that on finding your path, getting that thumb from the ass and change the situation as only you can. You are the boss of your own life, do what your heart tells you and just do it. We are our own biggest obstacles. Great written my friend.
Talk soon

Thanks for that Sara.

can be hard for some to hear but necessary

Go hard or go home :)

You are the boss of your own life

Exactly. It's simply taking charge of something that's already yours. If you aren't going to, then you will just be stepped on your whole life.

Glad you liked it :)

You nailed it right there my Zane king 😆 lol
Great post. I hope you are having a great week and I will se you later. Cheers


WHAT. ARE. YOU!!! Haha. I'm a beast.

You do have possess a strong communication tool and that's your very word, Zane.

I agree with you 100%. I've been missing your comments lately but that's okay. As long as I'm getting to read your content all is well, lol.

Never stop posting dude.


Well hey, I'm not going to complain :D

I appreciate your encouraging words man. Really awesome to hear.

I've been missing your comments lately

Sorry about that. Things are picking up a lot of speed everywhere, so it's hectic. Don't stress. It's only temporary hold-backs. I will get everything done! Can't stop, won't stop!!!

Let's do this.

I love the way you are approaching Steemit. I have worked incredibly hard the past three months since I joined and the experience is a blast. The hard work starts to pay out. But I am always looking to improve myself and your dedication and power is inspiring. I have already acted upon what I learned from you and the next days will be a big re-hustle for my style and activity. I think you will hear more from me. :)

Thanks for your awesome words man! I appreciate that.

I have already acted upon what I learned from you

Great stuff. That's the way to do it :)

big re-hustle for my style and activity

It's these moments that do the 180-degree changes in one's life. Let me know your progress and if you ever get stuck! :)

Good to see you are motivated and determined. Aside from love, that's the only feeling a person should experience :)

It's true that when we have someone to talk to, someone who could listen to our rants and our problems, it gets easier somehow especially with their advices. But I totally agree with you, we shouldn't depend so much on others. This is our life and we are responsible for it. We must learn how to solve our own problems. We should stop ranting and take actions instead.

Nicely said. It does help undoubtedly to have someone to talk to. The problem approaches when we start to be needy, and start relying on that experience to get through things.

We should stop ranting and take actions instead.

Amen to that :)

The best way to live :)

Hell yeah it is! You are a good example of that :)

Bold, raw, hard, but true. We are the captains of our own ship in fact.

Bold, raw, hard, but true.

Love it. I am glad it came across in the way I imagined it :)

All it takes is a decision. You need to tell yourself 'The only direction I'm going is up!!' (And you got to believe it)

Hey great post, pure motivation! I will look at other of your posts, I like your profile description and the ideas that I can see at first you are sharing. Following you now. sorry for my bad english

pure motivation!

Glad it was able to serve it's purpose :)

Thanks man. I appreciate your awesome words! Great to hear.

sorry for my bad english

Oh don't even stress it. I have seen FAAAAAR worse :D

You have just put into words what I was thinking today. NOBODY cares more about me than MYSELF. I have to get up off my ASS to get things done. NOBODY is coming to rescue me and what I may be going through. @enazwahsdarb Thank you for this post now I have to GET TO WORK on me and get things done......

Amen to that entire message. Just get to it :) Sometimes it's tough to get to the point whereyou're just takingbling, hardcore action, but it's also so worth it. It's powerful stuff.

Glad you are motivated!

I like your point of view, but I think life cares about us. We must be happy just because we live

Yes definitely. We should always be grateful for the fact that we have life! No denying that.

Yes, you are right. We have to be grateful

Thank you very beautiful information

Thanks! I'm glad you found it beautiful! (with a very confused look on my face) :P

The hard truth about life.

Amen to that.

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Yeah stop whining and do your part!

Simple as that :)

In life, and in business, we have to care... Just not that much. :)

Amen to that :) Just getting that balance.

yep, thats it :)

Very informative post. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Only my pleasure!

Thank you I am following you, I hope you will also follow me this honor to me

Thank you :) I hope you following me for a reason!

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Dang the man :D Thanks brother!

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