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RE: Diabetes and Artificial Sweeteners

in #life7 years ago

First of all, I congratulate you for taking the time to say that the sweeteners are not totally harmless. I have some observations: The correct nomenclature is Type 2 diabetes instead of type II, and it is not true that a person diagnosed with diabetes enjoyed sweet foods and must abruptly forget about them. Diabetes is a multifactorial condition and eating habits are only one of several factors that determine the appearance of the disease. Now the diet of a person with Diabetes is quite flexible and is oriented so that the patient knows the composition of the foods for of this way to adjust schedules and medication, although it is certain that the sugared foods should not constitute a predominant component in their diet, are allowed in certain circumstances with some adjustments.
In relation to sweeteners the main problem is the abuse of them, the daily recommended amounts for the adult do not exceed a daily spoonful, and this recommendation is not respected by anyone.