You often read and hear about people who want to make the world a better place. This does not mean that the world is not a beautiful place, on the contrary. Mother Earth is wonderful. But we can do a lot to make it even better. And like my fellow do-gooders, I keep thinking of how I can contribute to making the earth what everyone wants: a peaceful and beautiful place where everyone likes to live and develop.
Here are my personal 11 tips on how we can send out positive vibes and create a world worth living in. We are all connected and if we make our fellow humans and creatures happy, we automatically increase our own happiness. I hope I can inspire you to make the world a more loving place.
1. Nature cleanup
Nature is not just part of the place where we live. It is a gigantic network of living beings that want to live and deserve a beautiful life just like us. I feel extremely connected to nature and feel it as our highest good, our temple, our home. Unfortunately, not all people seem so conscious when dealing with this fabulous creation. Again and again you can find garbage in the woods, on the beach and everywhere else in nature. I've heard several times how people complain about it. But no one acts. Why not? Is it not the responsibility of us all to ensure that the forests and other natural habitats are spared from our consumption and lifestyle and that we leave no traces? If everyone just complains but does not act because it's not their own trash, we can wait a long time for something to change. In the worst case, living things in the meantime suffer from environmental pollution. Birds swallow cigarette filters, fish swallow plastic waste, and deer injure because of broken glass. One day, I decided not to just accept it and shirk responsibility. I always take a bag with me on my walks and collect some garbage on my way in the woods and on the beaches and then pour the content of my bag in a trash can. Sure, sometimes people look at me irritated or disgusted, but I do not care. I don't do that for praise, I do that for nature, and it thanks me with its wonderful atmosphere and the tranquility that I can find in it as I roam the woods. Give it a try, it would really please me and our fellow creatures! :)
2. Stop bitching about people and be authentic
Unfortunately today it is normal to constantly bitch about others. As soon as we discover something that does not conform to our ideology or our aesthetics, we often express this in a hurtful way. What many people forget: they also rub some people up the wrong way, do not fit in with their ideology. Yet everyone wants to be accepted as he or she is. So why ask something from others that we can not offer ourselves? Besides, we also hurt ourselves when we hurt others. As Mahatma Gandhi said: "You and me: we are one. I can not hurt you without hurting myself. "Everything we do will sooner or later come back to us in some way. If we talk bad about others, why should others talk in a good way about us? The same applies to being authentic. When we express ourselves freely and unadulterated, we automatically give others the permission to do so as well. For example, if we all clothe ourselves “how society wants us to” for fear of attracting attention in a negative way, then it becomes commonplace to dress with reserve. If you'd rather wear a neon dress or a steampunk coat instead of jeans and a t-shirt, dare! Maybe some people look at you in a strange way, but that's just their insecurity because special appearances are (still) unfamiliar. However, the more people dress the way they feel authentic and comfortable, the easier it will be for their fellow human beings to stand by themselves. I'm often looked at irritated in my "hippie clothes" but I don't care, because if I walked around normally, they would find another reason to gossip. And being true to myself has a great effect: there are often people coming to me, who tell me that they like my courage to wear whatever I want. Other eye-catching "white rabbits" often give me a smile or talk to me. As soon as you show yourself authentic to the outside, you attract incredibly great moments and encounters.
3. Take your time to listen to street musicians or watch street artists
We probably all know that situation: in the city, a street musician plays beautiful music or an artist creates breathtaking works. But we just walk by or, if we're generous, throw some change in the bowl on the floor. Just take a moment and listen to the music or watch the artist. You can escape the bustle for a moment and the musician or artist will probably be delighted by your attention. All of a sudden, your donation is no longer just charity, but an attentive and thankful gesture for a great experience that was offered to you. Put yourself in the shoes of the musician for a moment and feel what it's like when everyone just walks by and puts some money into your bowl. Feels sad, right? Even if you are happy about the money, of course. I have often experienced grateful musicians and artists when I really paid my attention to them. I even had inspiring conversations with some of them, too. And honestly, if we have time to go shopping, we also have a few minutes for our fellow human beings, right?
4. Gift people around you with a friendly “hello” and a smile
Even if no positive reaction comes back to you: For many people it means a lot if you give them a friendly greeting and a smile. Because those who are most grumpy, they often need it the most. And a warm and honest "hello" and a smile should come from conviction anyway and not to get something back. Be a good person, bring positive vibes into the world. If you do not get a positive response immediately, it will come elsewhere.
5. Tidy out and comp the things you don't need anymore
By doing so you do not just free yourself from old ballast, but may make others a great joy!
6. Make compliments
We often tend to mainly address the things that bother us. But (honest) compliments do our heart good and motivate us.
The cashier is always friendly and does her job well? Tell her, it will sure please her very much!
The bus driver drives very safe? Praise him for his good driving style!
Your friend is very honest and reliable? Tell him/her that you really appreciate that!
7. Do foodsharing
Every day, so much food is thrown away worldwide that it really hurts my soul. That does not have to be! We all buy too much or something wrong sometimes. Instead of just throwing away those precious foods, you can do foodsharing! In many cities there are groups or collection points for donated food. If not, you can always find grateful people through small ads or social networks, and maybe even exchange them for other delicious foods they don't need anymore. No waste and a lot of replete and happy human beings. Wonderful, right? :)
8. Feed some animals
Because of us, the habitats for animals are increasingly disappearing. And so do their food sources. Put a bowl of water and one with grains on the balcony. The birds will thank you and you can watch those little beautiful creatures.
But also stray animals are very happy about food and water. In our neighborhood lives a left behind cat. At night she is allowed to sleep with a neighbor, but we feed her all. There is a bowl ready for everyone to put something in. And little Stella is happy!
9. Show your gratitude
You often have visitors and it is loud until late in the evening? Just ring your neighbor and thank him for his tolerance. Bring him some selfmade cookies, he'll be happy!
A colleague often helps you and supports you? Give her a nice plant for her desk and thank her for her support.
There are many situations in which we can and should show our gratitude. Because appreciating the kindness of our fellow human beings is the best reward for many and will make them very happy!
10. Think about your fellow human beings
You do not believe how much your fellow human beings are happy, if you think about them! "Sharing is caring" is a very good saying in my opinion :)
Construction workers work in the heat outside your apartment? Just bring them some water, they'll appreciate it a lot.
A homeless man sits on the roadside? Just buy two coffees and pastries at the bakery and have lunch with him. I have done this many times, no matter what people think. And it can mean the world to the homeless person!
A craftsman comes to you and fixes something? Offer him something to drink or eat. I have experienced that they are very touched by this gesture.
11. Share your skills with others
You can speak a language very well and a friend would like to speak it as well? Just teach him and let him teach you something else. So you can both learn from each other, have a lot of fun and strengthen your bond. Win-win situation, right?
Bringing more compassion and positivity into the world can be so easy. And however small the step may be, its impact can be so big. Just think about a stone that you throw into a lake and all the ring shaped waves spreading.
I would be happy, if you become a hero of everyday life and try some of the tips. Do you have any other great ideas on how to improve the world together? Great! Then please share them with us in the comments! I am very curious on how you make the world a better place! :)
Peace and love,
yours Linda
P.S.: All the pictures used in this post are taken from the website
Hello my friend!! This is a wonderful post!! I selected it for the "in the spotlight" feature in my daily #gratefulvibes challenge post!! I have the post up and I hope you like what I wrote.
My dear friend @paradise-found! I want to thank you from all of my heart!!! I have just read your post and what you wrote is just wonderful and makes me so grateful and happy! Thank you so, so, so much for your words, your praise and your support! Really, that means more to me than I can say! THANK YOU <3
Loved it very much! 💚 Very beautiful thought.Thanks for sharing this lovely post.
Thank you, thank you, thank you dear @stardivine!!! <3 I am so grateful for your feedback, really!! Means a lot to me!! :) <3
I am so glad to have a friend like you. You're most welcome @endorphoenix, I am also very grateful.💚
Aaaaw how wonderful your words are :) <3 I am glad to have you as a friend, too! <3 I guess we will have an amazing time together in this wonderful community <3 Wish you the very best! <3
I am very glad to have you as my friend, too. ☺
Yep, we will definitely have an amazing time together. I am happy I found my soul-sister in this community. Love ya! 💚
May the divinity bless upon you! 🌟 ☺
Thank you from deep within my heart for this wonderful comment which made me smile from one side of my face to the other :) :) :) <3
Your words are so beautiful, thank you!! I am so happy we met! This is the best proof that we are all connected and souls who shall find each other will do so <3 May I ask you if you are my soul-sister or soul-brother? :) <3
Love ya, too you shining and wonderful soul!! <3
Thank you so much for your blessings!! Be blessed, too and I wish you a lot of divine love, light and peace! <3
Wish you the very best my dear!
Haha... @endorphoenix! 😁 I've never seen any person who is this much humble, sweet, and full of gratitude! Your response makes me smile, too. ☺☺☺
I see, you are also very awake and enlightened soul! So nice to meet you, too! We might be very good friends in spirit realm too before we decided to incarnate here. Well, I am a girl in this physical incarnation so we are soul-sisters. 💚
You're welcome dear! ☺ Much love, light and blessings to you, too! 💚🌟💫
Same to you! ✨ peace. 💮
Great post :) I'm sure you're going to do really well on here endorphoenix, you've got a great style and format, also I love the themes! All this practice of gratitide and spreading sun beams reminds me of the Roald Dahl excerpt from the Twits about thinking bad or good thoughts:
Wow, thank you so much for your praise and this amazing picture!! Your kind words really touch me and this picture and its message are so important and true!! When I went to the grocery stores yesterday I saw some of those "ugly" people and I felt very blocked and uncomfortable around them. I tried to bring some light to the people around us and the cashier, but they absorbed it and made me leave the shop pretty soon. It indeed is hard to look at. I am very sorry for them and hope that they'll soon find out about the importance of a positive mind!
And I absolutely agree on the point that you can never be ugly when you have good thoughts! :)
Thank you for your positive vibes ॐ
Another beautiful post, please do keep up the great work
Thank you so much for encouraging me with your beautiful words <3 So nice to read you like it <3 Best wishes my dear :)
I wrote and recorded a song a few years ago about saving mother Earth. I'll have to post a link sometime.
How wonderful, wow <3 <3 <3 YES, YES, YES Pleeeeeeeeeeeease post it! I would LOVE to hear it!!
Ah ... so you name is Linda - did you know in Spanish that means pretty or beautiful? :D
That is a wonderful "daily must do" list!
Upvoted and resteemed :D
So if someone does so, it makes me SOOO happy and grateful! <3 Again: THANK YOU! * happy dance *My dear friend @icedrum! I am speechless about your lovely words, your praise and your support!!! Oh my gosh, THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 I feel very honored! I am not one of the persons who always writes: Resteem, follow me, etc.
And yes, my name is Linda :D Someone told me the Spanish meaning and I was like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw" and blushed hahahaha :D I really need to learn Spanish! I love this wonderful and spirited language <3 <3 <3
Have a beautiful day dear friend and a lot of success <3
Very nicely done. A lot of good sage advice here on how to care for each other and our planet.
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Hope you are enjoying Steem!!
Thank you very much for your kind feedback dear @mikepm74! :) I love Steemit and the wonderful community :) It makes so much fun to share my thoughts with you guys! And your comment really motivates me :)
Great post. Change comes from within.
Thank you so much dear @diabolika! <3 :) Absolutely, change comes from within! "Be the change that you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi :) <3
Do you do this? It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice - Scooter
Hey dear @doelist :) I actually do all these things as often as I can :) <3 I do this from deep down my heart as I believe we can have a HUGE impact on society and environment by how we act :) Very nice quote, thank you!! And I actually listen to some scooter songs sometimes :D <3
Some people so nice that you start love them after first comment.)) You are cool. Thanks you @endorphoenix
Scooter the best
That lead singer has really nice eyes. I'm a sucker for blue eyes. :D I've never heard of this group before but I liked this video, its got nice rhythm and would be good for dancing. :D I will have to look for them on YouTube to see if they have more that I like. :D
Have an awesome day! :D
Nice vid mate!!
Yes, then cool. Hope you become a fan of scooter's music.
Aaaaaaaaaw I am really blushing right now :D <3 Thank you!!! You are freakin' cool, too mate! :) :)
Yeeeeeeeah, yeeeeeeeah always hardcore <3 Holy damn I LOVE it!!! :D
Yes, then cool. Hope you become a fan of scooter's music.
@doelist You reminded me to listen more to scooter songs again so I did that a lot since your comment and danced like crazy :D My neighbours who can watch me through the window wondered why I am in such a party mood :D But I guess I just felt hardcore HAHAHAHA :D Thanks mate!!! Already happened :D
Always Hardcore)) Cool, nice to read. I am dancing with my head when I work on computer. What is your favorite song?
My is Scooter - No Fate, because of lyrics, but there is 10+ great songs, that almost no one can beat
I love this post! There are so many valid, but often forgotten, points in it. What does it cost to smile at someone? Nothing. What does it mean to some of the people you smile at? Some will not even think twice about it, but for others that smile may make the difference between life and death. I've known someone in my past that was struggling with circumstances they couldn't control and they wanted to give up on life but someone showed them they cared enough to smile and wish them a wonderful day or just asked them if they could do anything to help them, that stopped them from doing something drastic and I'm thankful for those people that made them realize not everything was bleak and dreary and that life wouldn't always be that difficult.
I love all 11 of your ideas, especially the one about friends teaching each other new languages and learning from each other. It doesn't have to be a new language, it could be something as simple as a new recipe, or how to put up a fence, or whatever you want to learn and teach. I think it would be fantastic if there was a spot for tutorials on here to learn every language known, to learn a new recipe, to learn whatever we are interested in. Maybe a language section with subsections for each individual language, where people that know a language well, post videos to teach from the basics of alphabets and numbers, all the way up to complete conversations. :D That would be very cool to me. I've always loved languages. :D It would be fantastic if we all could learn something new from each other daily. :D
Have an awesome day! :D
Wow, I am SO happy the people around you who were down and thinking about ending their lives were saved by warm words, friendliness and a smile! Noticing that someone cares can mean a LOT! I have experienced it myself when I was very depressed a few years back. A simple hello and a smile can really make your day and give you some hope. So good to hear they are good now!!!Dear @frostyamber :) <3 Thank you very, very much for your long and emotional comment! I am very happy you enjoyed my post and consider the ideas to be good and helpful :)
And I really like and appreciate your idea about the spot for learning and teaching together here on Steemit! That would truely be a revolution and a wonderful way to profit from each other and develop! I love learning languages, too and other new things!! :) Learning how to cook in other cultures is so amazing, too! I am very excited what to expect here in the future. Maybe a lot of people making each other super brains and everydays heros! :D
Thank you SO MUCH for your response and your support! Much love and a wonderful day! :)
You are most welcome. I try to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable, no matter who they are, some people aren't good at making a good first impression, so I try not to judge someone on just one encounter...they could have been having a bad day, or maybe its us. I love that everyone I've met here on Steemit is so supportive and willing to help each other out. :D
I'd be one of the first ones to sign up for some language lessons if they ever get something like that set up on here. :D It would be very cool to be able to talk to Steemians from around the globe. :D Have an awesome day! :D
I really like your mindset dear @frostyamber :) Really great personality! We need more people like you <3
I think so too! A lot of steemians are so supportive and good souls! :)
Really nice to be a part of this community :)
Oh yeah, it would be amazing to be able to talk to steemians around the world in their native language :) :) :)
Thank you very much, have an awesome day, too!! <3 :D
Awe, thank you so much for saying that, you made my day! I'm grinning like an idiot while I read your comment. :D
You're welcome, have an awesome day my friend! :D
Aaaaaaaw, same here my dear! :D <3
Thank you so much!!! <3 I wish a a wonderful day!
Big hug and an extra delicious cookie for you <3 :)
Hug back. :D I love cookies, oatmeal/chocolate chip are my favorite. :D
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nice post and also encouraging. keep it up.
Dear @afroze :) Thank you VERY much!!! So nice to read!!! :)
peace and love to you too
Dear @junubia :) Thank you very much for your lovely comment :) Have a wonderful day!
A very in depth and informative post, you've touched on some important bits that some could overlook. I hope this post provokes some positive and conscious thinking amongst your readers, it has for me.
Wow, dear @gardeningchef :) THANK YOU for your praise and your heart-warming words! <3 It makes me so happy to see that people like my post and get inspired by it! Together we make the world a peaceful and lovely place! Lots of love :) <3
I couldn't agree more!! <3
<3 :)
Great post Linda. Love the positive outlook on life. Keep spreading the good vibes.
Thank you from deep within my heart dear @robertosanha! :) :) :) Your words make me smile and very grateful!! <3 Let's spread the good vibes together :) <3
excellent, very good. Greetings from Venezuela. excellent pictures. Follow me, I'm following you
Dear @guiller :) Thank you sooo much!! :) <3 Aaaaaw Venezuela must be so beautiful! I wish to travel there!! I'll follow you! Thank you very much for your support!! Greetings from Germany and have a wonderful day!
What a wonderful post to read to start my day in a positive way, thank you!
Dear @april-eliza! Thank you SO much for your lovely feedback! I am glad you like my post <3 You and your blog are very interesing! You've got a new follower < 3 :)
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Another amazing post!
It inspired me to take some action! Reading this I realized I still have a little bit of that "what other people might think" feeling inside me but your words are really motivating!
Two days ago I bought some seeds for the birds but I still need to make some kind of a bird feeder, might just do it today! :D
If people feel offended by me doing some good things and sending out good vibes than they should look away or stay at home :D My life, my choices. If someone is disturbed by a girl cleaning a forest than it's pretty sad how THEY behave, not me. This insight helped me to be brave and just do it :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaaw how beautiful! The birds will be so happy! I love these little creatures so much! <3 Good soul nikolina <3Thank you dear @nikolina <3 <3 I am so happy I could inspire you! :) I really know that problem when you are scarred of what others might think about you. But what I learned the last few months: The more you just do it and don't give a f..., the better it gets and you just do your thing without being scarred or insecure :)