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RE: Solution For Feeling Like Something Is Wrong?

in #life8 years ago

i haven't been lost here for a long time
funny my husband isnt Steemiting but he found you somewhere utube i guess
i like this post and the way you compare it to the matrix though I'd be honest
i didn't like a few words you used but it doesn't matter the message is positive

The Matrix always demands more and is never good enough.

Build taller buildings. Stay in school longer. Work more hours. Eat tastier food. Drink endless soda. Exercise harder. Play crazier. Nothing is ever good enough in the machine where there is always the next best thing.

i totally agree on this - i grew up in the country side on a third world country and my grandparents were out of the matrix and so was I till I moved to the city the desire for the new stuff ate me up and made me dream - mostly they came true but plenty of hard work though compared to others they'd say it was all easy for me - they don't know what a person really go through to get that and then when we get that we want more - too much of this programming

now am near 40 guess what
nothing that has brands and are very very costly - are ever worthy for me
oh yes i still have those material stuff but .. i'd like to retire in a house in the middle of the farm 10 minutes away from the beach where i could buy freshly caught fish, grow and run after my own chickens, count them at night because though they roam around they also always get back home

and honestly .. having typed all this I wonder.. just like that scene in Cloud Atlas - was I just getting out of the matrix and moving into another one, too?

then ... now.. I feel content
life if good
am blessed :)
