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RE: Romance in the eyes of Western and Asian People #3

in #life8 years ago

I was wondering when you'd ever post again!
I wonder which one spent more money - that wedding held in Beijing or here?
My guess - the one in here ...
but hey .. isn't it not about the wedding alone? it's about growing old together till death do them part?
and most of all it's all about love :D@sweetsssj finally!


Englishtchrivy! I've not gone anywhere (and not going to!), just a short break to sort some stuff out in real life. Indeed, I would say that Chinese weddings cost an order of magnitude more than Western ones.. it's really quite a waste sometimes.. the excessive numbers of guests that likely the couple doesn't even know.. the lavish setups and big halls. It's really quite something else. But at the end of the day you are right, to be together forever and grow old together is most important!

I love weddings no matter how simple or grand .. it's always a happy day .. the couple's happiness could be very contagious, too ..@sweetsssj well we're allowed to have our weddings our way, too aren't we?