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RE: Journal of a Failure

in #life7 years ago

Take that utter disappear grunt wrenching feeling of failures and empower yourself with it. Take your past failures and use that to help create a new successful you in entrepreneurship. Failure is the true sign of marching successes. How? Without those failures, you would never understand what it is to be successful. Sure people like that think they understand. Then one day out of the blue they get the wind kick out of them. Everything falls apart. They never had to deal with a large setback and face failure down.

Don’t let fear get the best of you. Go out again and fail! Fail! Fail! Till something sticks. I often find failures in life far more interesting in the successes.

I would strongly recommend doing more research. Educate yourself better. No one wants to think about the accounting, public relations, advertisement, contacts, and so many other things. However, these things will kill a company before it even gets outside if they are not taken into considerations. Far too many companies fail because of bad accounting and the lack of contracts to enforce agreements among other things.

Do some market research in your local area. What is missing in your town? Can you solve this? What could make your life or someone’s else life better? Brainstorm. Research. Fail. Take note what could be done better next time. Repeat.


I live in Los Angeles, so there really isn't much missing here unless I create a new niche or a new spin on something old. That's why I need to put some extra creative thought into my future, which like you said, is accomplished by brainstorming, researching, and failing.

BTW, glad to see you over here on my post! I missed @barrydutton's camp fire post this weekend...