It’s why I been avoiding the best I can to read about possible tax reform. Like everyone I need it, and much sooner then I expect them to get something out. Doubtful by the time they are done playing favorites with lobbyist it will be anything worthwhile for the little guy. Which will just get tossed onto the log pile of “thanks for spending tax payers money on this.”
I’ve reduced and gone without quite a few things trying to keep up with rapid cost of society. I think you hit it right in the middle “breaking point.” That would explain a lot people around me. Far too many people either never had an emergency fund or it’s been depleted over the years without any ability to refund it. They are just one minor bump in the road away from giving up for good.
We actually had a contingency fund till my wife needed rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders within an 18-month period. In spite of the fact we HAD insurance, we still ended up some $24,000 out-of-pocket... which drained all reserves, killed an old IRA and but a balance on a couple of credit cards. That was 2011... we've been playing "catch up" ever since... unsuccessfully.
That is a sad example of what causes many to spiral out of financial control. I hope you were able to deduct some of the expenses from taxes for those years at least.