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RE: We Are The Most Comfortable Generation, Are We The Most Peaceful?

in #life8 years ago

We have conveniences and comforts yes. Those comforts have encouraged us to become more self-centered or self -absorbed. In a former day we had to work harder for what we had...whether that was dinner or washing or even typing. Working harder encouraged patience and gratitude. Because we do not have that environment our comforts have led to selfishness which has led to doing whatever it takes to have what we want....manipulation, misrepresentation, anger, and even war. Yes our lack of peace...our inability to get along is a direct result of conveniences and self centeredness. The focus is on us and not others. You will also see that we are not as happy as we once were. Again we once were concern about others. Taking the focus off ourselves to others or our higher power produces joy. WE SEE THE PROBLEM WHY WILL WE NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT??????? We are too selfish and lazy. Necessity is the mother of invention. We have not had to do anything because there is no necessity to do something. No emergency no big event to trigger the need to change. Thanks for the article LOVE IT. - Troy


Wow, beautifully said. Yes, tech has unfortunately given rise to these problems and I am not sure what could solve this. I just hope we are in a better world tomorrow than today. At the end of the day that is all that matters.