Wow, that is some really great information! I completely understand the concept, but to see the scientific process takes it even deeper. I recognize that when I am thinking that the day is going to be long and stressfull, and change that to 'it's going to be a great day', I can physically feel my body change its entire demeanor. What I didn't realize was how much science is behind that. Knowing that really does make it easier, there are predetermined destinations, we just decide which route to take that day. I'll probably re-read your comment a few times 😁
Thank you for the great feedback and a fresh perspective!
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Wow. Thank you. I really liked your post and that people have read it. We get so little education in western society on how to be emotionally healthy. Doctors mostly give out pills rather than therapy or emotional exercises. I have followed you and hope to see more of your insights in blogs.
Thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it! Very encouraging :) I agree 100%, so many people we all know are on some sort of 'fix it' pill. Don't get me wrong, mental health issues are real and there really are people who have needed a bit of help (including myself for a period of time). But there is so much more to mental and emotional health, and a lot of it really requires hard work on our part. Thanks so much for the feedback, following and looking forward to your pieces as well!