Good question, thank you!
Success is defined in every experienced moment of the present existence. Yesterday I had a consultation with a young man who had not yet orientated himself professionally, but had his first experiences in the working world. He used words like "I've been jerked around" and "I won't take it anymore!". I said, "These are the words of a victim." Then I raised my hand and pressed against his arm. He just let it happen without giving me any resistance. I said, "what did you find out? .... "And you didn't put any pressure on me. That's what people do every day. They're pushing your boundaries. If you let them, they'll push until it hurts."
He was shocked! That was my intention. He said: "But this is not the case in the culture I come from!" I said: "Great! it's good that you can see it so clearly. Everybody does it every day, every minute. It's normality. It's not always malicious. You do it, I do it. People are like that.
Learn to have good experiences in your life. Learn to negotiate. If you fail in your negotiation, this is a good experience that you will take with you next time."
We went very well and deeply in this spontaneous consultation hour, with which we both did not expect.
I have accepted my authority at this hour as self-evident and that I can lead this young man. I told him some uncomfortable truths, but with a positive basic feeling that he already knows about it and just wants it confirmed. Most young people are very open to someone who knows what they are doing and who is not afraid of them.
I said: "A day is a good day when sixty to seventy percent of it has gone well and you tolerate the rest of resistance, uncomfortable experiences and stumbling blocks being paved. There is no right to freedom from interference."
For me, success is therefore not a definition but an experience on which I can exert influence. It's a lifelong process. I can only know what it is when I have the experience of failure.
P.S. thinking in terms of verbs not nouns. ;-)
Success can only really be evaluated in hindsight, looking back at what has been accomplished. If one is in the moment and living it fully, there is no way to evaluate whether what one is doing is successful or not, there is just the flow of action.
These days, people spend so much time worrying about what the world is doing to them that they do not live in the moment nor consider what they are doing to the world. The victim mentality is growing as the mind, body and emotions weaken in their ability to deal with even the slightest of pressures.
Have you had moments in the making of which you already knew that this is an occasion for joy and something that you said or created was of great beauty?
if fully experiencing it, how could one know? it is only in reflection of the moment (not being in the moment itself) that it would be possible to evaluate.
Take the minutes you're restoring an old car. You bumped out a fender and during the fine work - in the process of light hammering and tapping you feel how it succeeds. You know you got a flow right now. ... In relation to a longer process: yes, there it is as you say. I would have liked to hear an example from your life. That's all.