I see it differently. I assume that the comments and the mood you are talking about come from an extreme section of the population who are only too happy to join in the propaganda. As it is always only the loudest people who are heard, this gives the impression of a general majority conviction and mood. Of course, if the respective governments themselves want to believe that their people are supporting an aggressive act, they will certainly do what they intend to do. But since we do not really know the intentions, but are on speculative ground, everything remains theory until it becomes practice.
You raise an important point: The hatred between geographically closer peoples that is kept alive by cultural heritage. In fact, I agree that the inherited and unprocessed hatred is strong and rooted in real experiences such as the death of family members and the loss of property and rights.
... There is all the less reason for the Chinese to genuinely hate Americans since there is no bloody history between them going back centuries. When neighbouring peoples fight each other, it is often the perceived fraternal pain that causes them so much trouble. It is not so much the differences, but what actually makes people similar that causes anger and grief. You hate what is familiar to you.
The same applies to intimate relationships in a family. Pain suffered is blamed on the divorced husband or wife for years, even decades, and bitter enmity exists between relatives, between parents and children, often for the rest of their lives. It is unusual to hate with the same intensity those with whom there is no such historical connection.
Despising a people is completely different from attacking and wanting to destroy them out of hatred.
Someone who already sees that a nation is fundamentally weak will also be able to see that it is enough to watch it ruin itself (the crucial question is here: Is that really wanted? Is it be recognized that the fall of the US would, after all, be no benefit to anyone in the long run?).
Such ruin no longer needs to be helped by military means, because China's superiority already speaks for itself. The US may threaten and shake its fists, but it is clear that this is a threat that, if carried out, will fail to have the desired effect; though it will cause troubles unwanted.
War is not started because of economic sanctions, as I see it, especially not when they can be assumed to be too weak in advance. Wars are waged out of fanaticism, unlike SMO's. Which, of course, always harbour the danger of a war developing from them.