In her ivory tower, cut off from real ground, she fears and hopes for good news that her brother from overseas has finally defeated the dreaded enemy. When he comes with bad messages, it only makes her angrier and more stubborn.
Now her brother says: ‘Enough is enough. From now on, you will have to deal with your situation yourself. I am not going to play along any more, I replaced our deluded uncle. Your neighbour's army has been defeated. There is nothing left for what could fall for us in their battle. Your enemy, whom we considered our enemy, has inflicted a terrible defeat on us.’
But she screams: ‘Then I send more gold and take my people into army service! I declare martial emergency!'
‘There is no gold left, we've spent it all. Your'e and, by the way, my people are weak and fat and old. Our fields remain uncultivated, our waters unfished, our houses and roads untended, so do yours. I have to make a deal with what maybe is left for us to get back. I am afraid, you will not be a part of the negotiations, sister. Your gold now is in the hands of those who betrayed their peoples, and also betrayed us by fighting a weak battle, while the enemies in our own ranks stuffed their pockets with gold that had not been used for needed arms, but circled right back to them. From now on, we are no longer a united kingdom but separate. You can handle a sword? Go and try yourself.’
But the princess closes her ears with both hands. 'You're so mean! That is so unfair! I am not saying yes to this!'
Her brother shrugs shoulders and enters the door, leaving her behind: 'Well, little sister, do as you please. Gather your angry court ladies with their powerless husbands and their numerous relatives from the neighbouring lands, who hate each other and go for each other's throats at the first opportunity. Good luck with that.’
To be continued.