This photograph has to be my favourite of you so far, great shot and sooooo You! Looking forward to the new projects coming out... I hope you are doing well and able to keep an easy smile these days.
Namaste :)
This photograph has to be my favourite of you so far, great shot and sooooo You! Looking forward to the new projects coming out... I hope you are doing well and able to keep an easy smile these days.
Namaste :)
So true!!!
Thanks so much dear @eric-boucher!! Well, I am trying to survive day by day always looking for something new to give me purpose 😊
Your purpose is within and by delving into it, it shall emerge from the depths of your being. Painting does help you dive into you, yet it is still calling you from outside of you. The same kind of diving can be applied toward the within by letting the painting shape itself up into your mind's eye. You heart will tell you whether it is bliss worth living for and with.
Namaste :)