Saturday Musings

in #life4 years ago (edited)

It’s Been A While

This is the first full week I’ve been back in Minnesota since the passing of my father. The grieving process has been a little different than I thought. I’m going to explain in further detail in a separate blog. As I go about my day little things remind me of him and sometimes make me sad, and sometimes make me smile. I’ve dreamt about him twice. Last night it was a brief dream sequence, we were in a kitchen and he asked me to get him a beer from the fridge. : )

Santa’s Delivering Early

My wife and I decided to break tradition and create a little of our own joy amidst all of the chaos and despair of 2020. We put up the Christmas tree before Thanksgiving.

We also found some tangible proof that 2020 doesn’t completely suck and the vortex of global negativity might be subsiding. Back in October CBS announced that they would no longer be airing the Charlie Brown holiday specials and they were only going to be available on Apple+. We were crushed. These Charlie Brown specials encapsulate some of Generations X’s best childhood memories. But a few days ago our faith was restored after PBS announced they would be airing the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and Christmas specials afterall.

I’m already starting to feel the despair of 2020 beginning to lighten and dissipate.

Book Update

This is it. After lots of A/B testing on social media and about twenty-five different versions this is very close to what the final cover will look like.

CryptoVoxels and auctioning them off to the highest bidders. The images will also be available for purchase on T-shirts and a few other items.The very talented artist @opheliafu is working on a series of NFT’s based on quotes and illustrations from the book. We’re planning on doing a virtual showing of these in a gallery on

Dates and more information will be coming soon in regards to the launch date of the book, NFT’s, and merchandise.

Crypto's Gone Mainstream

It was surreal. Last night I was working out and suddenly I felt my Apple Watch buzz. I raised my wrist and saw the following notification.

For better or for worse our dreams from the 2017-2018 era are becoming a reality my friends. Cryptocurrency is undeniably going mainstream. These next few years are going to be one heck of a wild ride. Have your exit numbers and plans for off ramping in place.

That’s all for now.

How was your week?

What’s your plan for the weekend?

With Gratitude,

Eric Vance Walton

(Gifs sourced from

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I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

Let’s Keep In Touch


Great minds think alike. Nice cover for the book there Eric!

Nice looking tree, too! Welcome home.

Thanks! I'm very happy with it. I'll share the full cover spread soon. You guys have your tree up too?

Awesome, excited to see it!...and read it!

No tree yet. But I'll have more time starting tomorrow since I'm now technically unemployed.

Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Ohh i´m so sorry to read about your dad! I am very bad at giving condolences, but i know that he will remain in your hearts forever. And from what i've read about him in the last few days, i can tell he was a great man and a wonderful person. May he rest in peace.

I also like as the cover of your book goes, i honestly resent the fact that the words don't have the same margin, but i think it's my fault as a designer or maybe some start of OCD hahaha so don't mind me. It´s great and vibrant!

Thank you very much! He certainly was a great man and will be missed tremendously.

This one I shared is one of the later drafts but not the final. All of the margins should be tightened up on the final. Thanks again for the kind words!

Great! Always my pleasure. Have a nice day.

I think we are going to just relax and take it easy. I had thought about going North for a ride, but I am not sure the weather is going to cooperate. Plus sometimes we just enjoy being at home. We are trying to avoid going to the store as much as possible. I think we are picking up our groceries today instead of making our usual trip. Awesome news on the book! NFT's are starting to be huge right now!

That sounds like a great plan. Pretty much all we'll be doing are walks and video chats with friends and family.

Yeah, man. This book has been a right bright spot in my life during these past few weeks. I'm so grateful I've had it to work on to help get my mind off of things. I'm excited about the NFT's also. Ophelia's doing a great job with them. We're thinking about doing a few creative things with them that should be a lot of fun.

I hope you enjoy your R&R this weekend! Maybe Mother Nature will throw you a curve ball and the weather will clear up.

Hey @bozz! I was wondering if you could send me your email address to: [email protected]? I have an advanced copy of the book for you if you'd still be interested in doing a review. Thanks man!

Parents are very important and special in our lives so to forget them isn't that easy although our children too would talk about us too one day

Something positive can be drawn from all things, from this disease that plagues us, we learned to appreciate the simple things in life, such as going out to a square, visiting the cinema or having dinner in our favorite place, something than before.
There are no words of consolation for people who lose a loved one, as you well say, each one has a different way of griefing.
Let's hope the crypto world grows big enough to catch up with us all.
Very happy for the progress of your book. Successes
I take this opportunity to give you a splendid weekendHello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon

Yes, this is going to be an especially difficult next few months with the virus running rampant but there are always bright spots in the darkness if we look hard enough. Another six months or so and I'm hoping the world returns to normal and the mask burning parties can begin.

Thank you so much my friend. Enjoy your weekend!

@tipu curate

Nice tree! I've just been up a ladder hanging our outdoor lights, but they won't get switched on until the start of Advent.

Thank you! We hope to getting around to decorating it this week. Wonderful! Being a step ahead is always good. Turning on the lights in the evening has done a lot to improve our moods, it's getting dark here around 5pm now.

Nice to see you back with your weekly summary post, buddy! Little by little some things are getting back to normal. I'm also glad to see that the book's release is on track. This weekend a sister will be having a birthday party and we will take the opportunity to put up the tree. It will be a special meeting because the family will be together and as time passes, we begin to value those moments. A hug and take care of yourself, Eric

Thanks! The show must go on. : ) The book has actually been a great distraction from what's been going on both personally and globally. I hope you all have fun at the birthday party. Enjoy what's left of the weekend, Nancy!