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RE: Pandemic Diaries (Entry Four)

in #life5 years ago

I agree! It's mind-boggling. I'm hearing the Wuhan lab theory being pushed more and more now, this is what my instincts always were telling me. They are saying the "stay at home" provisions are to allow hospitals to prepare and get enough ventilators for the coming onslaught of cases BUT now the medical community is claiming ventilators aren't working and could be making things worse. I read yesterday that 80% of those patients put on ventilators in NY have died, 97% of ventilated patients in Wuhan died. Now doctors are saying placing the patients on their stomachs and tapping/massaging their backs is a more effective treatment. What a fiasco!


Even cows have enough sense when they have trouble breathing to get a spot to lay down where the body is "uphill" from their head and nostrils so gravity can help drain their congestion from their lungs. We can learn a lot from "dumb animals" if we just pay attention.

Yes, it seems the testing in that Wuhan lab was deemed to be to dangerous here in the USA to do so we funded that lab in China to do the testing. Oh, and that funding came thru the NIH (National Institute of Health) $3.7 million from them.

Dr. Fauci is the man in charge at the NIH, imagine that. It's no wonder that Fauci was able to predict back in 2017 that the tRump administration would face a pandemic during his term in office, since he was funding it's creation.

US State Department officials even warned back in 2018 that the lab in Wuhan had "serious safety risks" with the testing they were conducting on bats using Corona virus. Oh yes, and the funding took place after the State Department warnings.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Fauci is up to his eye balls deep into having this come about, almost like an arsonist that comes back to watch a building burn that he set on fire. Its like he is up there on the stage telling tRump, "this is a special type a fire, you need to pour pure oxygen on it if you want to put it out". tRump listens to him and orders a gazzilion ventilators.

I said a long time ago that a simple vaporizer would be effective with kerosene and it would most likely have been, at least more than the ventilators. The kerosene vapors would act as a decongestant and facilitate coughing to expel the mucus.

Fauci is at best a "dumb ass sicco" and more than likely a treasonous felon. Some serious investigation needs to be done into him and anyone who is associated with him.
Just my thoughts,

It's amazing how instinctual animals are. Humans have lost so much of that natural instinct and common sense! I started Googling Fauci and the results are a virtual rabbit hole of info. Holy crap. I had no idea he headed up that organization and it is all beyond suspicious. It sounds like a dystopian novel, too bad it's our current reality. Thanks for your comments and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!