The albums would be a fun trip down memory lane for you. I looked through a bunch of my Mom's albums when I was in Ohio for Thanksgiving. It was fun but also left me feeling a tad melancholy for the old days.
Oh yes, I remember now! Not a great club to be a part of, indeed. Seems to be a great unifier for people in our stage of life, especially during Covid times.
It was good you were able to experience that one final goodbye along with that reassurance. I wish I had that kind of closure with my Dad but dreaming about him has been healing too. I dreamt of him a lot around his birthday.
Christmas was okay but then Covid reared its head. My sister-in-law tested positive a few days ago then two other family members who were at Christmas dinner tested positive. I have mild symptoms but am still testing negative, there's a war going on and we'll see if my immune system wins. : )
Happy New Year!