Fuck off you scammer, go get some flags, get your baby out of the backpack they are not supposed to be held in for more than a few minutes at a time, stop posting on steemit, don't live a lie, steemit flags are here to stay; so be a man and go as you promised.I am saying all these to you @jerrybanfield as I type them. Let me harness the power of God too!.
You're a fucking tool, with no value for a normal person. Go sell your magic powder on a different platform. Steemit has had enough of you.
Jesus who pissed in your Cheerios.. lol
I just decided to be as Jerry really claims to be in his comedy. This is how Jerry really talks, he does not write his steemit post and has stated it. So I wanted to have a little fun and draw out a few more of his small alt accounts :)