I typically don't raid the ye old fridge at night and that's not saying I haven't. I'm quite sure I have in the past, I just can't remember. But this article got me thinking. Do I feel guilt when eating later than I supposedly should, hell to the no. When I make a decision I stick to it. That and I love to eat, am I a foodie? Nope just a dude that like three square meals a day (and beer). Anywho, back to the what I was saying, this article go me thinking. You see every time I have one of my... lets say well served and hardy meals, I become quite overwhelmed with the urge to take one of those mid day longer than usual power naps. Maybe that's my body telling me I should have something to eat before going to bed. Or maybe I should cut down on my portion size a little, considering that digestion requires quite a bit of energy, or so I hear. I don't know. But then again have you ever tried entering into a deep slumber with the pangs of hunger beckoning upon you every breath you take, I have. Going to sleep while hungry easier said than done. Lastly I just want to say that I really enjoyed your article. It is very well written, very well presented, and I like that you gave credit where credit was due. You get two, "hell of a good job thumbs up" bravo. Wish my writing was that... not sucks?
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Your writing is nice. Thanks. 🌝 🌝
Good choice for winner-he has a fun conversational style that really doesn't suck, but just needs more punctuation and grammar for ease of reading.