The Mystery Of Quality Content

in #life7 years ago


Everyone entering to the Steemit have heard this. It is answer to all the questions. Like ”How to be recognized in platform?” ”How to get wealthy in Steemit?”

Post quality content.

Seems simple huh? But if it really would be so easy, wouldn’t we all be buying lambos already? And still there is only a very few lambos laying around with our name on it. There is like... none?

Have you ever looked for the definite meaning of ”quality”?

the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Measured against other things of a similar kind. Let’s think about that for a second. Seems that secret of quality lays in all content. So if 99% of all content is shit and then only 1% can be quality. Measured against other similar content only small percentage can be considered as quality. Let’s think bucket of milk, if we let it set, the cream floats. The cream is considered as quality. There is not much of it, but if you check all the content, the quality rises on top. But what is quality? Is there a common factors?

Quality is subjective thing. It depends from users of that content. Something that is shit for me can be quality for others. You know, someones trash is other ones treasure.
If there is a topic that doesn’t interest me, can I consider it as shit? If something isn’t valuable for me, can it still be valuable?

And when there is content that interests me, for example photographing, is everything related valuable for me. There might be photos that are perfectly taken, every technical detail is perfect. Why do i still consider it as nonsense? Is your content quality only if it is perfectly executed. Or matters the idea behind it more? For me the idea is more valuable. Of course when there is perfectly executed perfect idea it is like hitting a jackpot but there rarely is. We are humans we make mistakes. Can spelling errors ruin the purely awesome idea and opinion? Can technically wrong usage of camera ruin beautifully captured feeling in photograph?


Quality of content or quality of content creator?

I am going to do confession: I usually vote people not so much content. Why is that? Content differs. Sometimes people have something interesting to say sometimes not. Sometimes they tickle my funny bone and sometimes I just think what the fuck are they even trying. But I usually vote them anyway, because I feel that there is quality in that person.

Potential of content matters for me more that already perfect content. I love to see people grow as a content creators, I love to see how they improve their writing skills when creating content with something other than native language. I love to see when artists and photographers grow, how their styles evolves through time. Because, isn’t perfect just boring?

Okay, I know, I’m some what perfectionist with some things myself also, but really, if you are ready, and everything you do is already perfect is there point of doing anything anymore? If you can’t be any better? If you cant grow, if your style doens’t evolve anymore? Is there any point of doing anything?

Quality of being funny

Shit and giggles, jokes, thinks that amuse us, things that tickle our funny bones, can we consider jokes shit if we don’t get them? Is something quality only if it makes us laugh? Or does it count that someone enjoyed making it?
Internet is full of amusing things, but is it shit if we don’t find it amusing ? Or does something stop being quality (and funny) if someone get offended and butt hurt by it?

My personal sense of humor is awful. If I find something funny AF, there is huge probability that someone else finds the exact same thing extremely offending. Which one of us is right then? One laughing or one getting butt hurt?

More is more?

Writing, where lays quality on that? In sickly long posts? In snappy opinions? In being awesome grammar nazi? Is long automatically quality, or can you take the short way out and still be outstanding content creator?
I know that some people love to read freakishly long posts, like the dear @anomadsoul, but if you are lazy reader like me, I like when things are short and snappy.(Lol I’m aware this post is being way too long me to rant about long posts...) I like to look pretty pictures! Much more easier! Though telling story through pictures seems to be something too much to ask sometimes...


Summing it up

I have no idea where the quality lays, and I have studied that field of expertise almost 4 years... Sorry if I made you read this far because you thought I was solving that mystery. I’m just trying to cope here like you rest, and having fun while doing it! Sometimes I make something I think is quality, sometimes I make things just for fun, sometimes I also do things even I consider as shit posts. My content is anything but consistent. Does that make me shitty content creator?

How about this post, is this quality or not? I let you decide, as it is your decision to make as a content consumer.

Photographs in this "QUALITY" post is taken by me, with Canon EOS 800D, lens EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS


I'd agree with your article if it seemed that lots of real people were upvoting and supporting things.

This however, isn't the case.

There's a lot of "botting" going on, so all those followers and the ones that keep doggedly upvoting no matter what is thrown up on the page, they are very likely automated.

Its just another function of gaming the Reward Pool. I've stopped posting anything original, at all, for at least 7 months now - and I still get followers (Who knows why) even though I just comment here and there and upvote stuff.

Its a farce. A sham. A burnt-out building with a pretty facade that hasn't collapsed just yet.

Again, you make great points if there were mostly humans here -- but there aren't, and the ratio of bots to real people increases every day.

I'm well aware of that and I totally agree with you on that botting makes my points some what empty. I wanted to play with thought though.

As that is what you see everywhere, what is told to newbies, and still i think that no one really knows what the fuck actually is quality :D

If quality is something community decides, isn't it amoral to buy votes and decide your self that this is quality no matter what community decides?

There's the other lie, of course - if every upvote is important, then people using proxies and bots are just selling that vote, diminishing the intent. (But not the payout, which is all the bots care about.)

So honestly, its just about a few people using whatever tricks they can muster to drain the Reward Pool dry. Like a swarm of blood-sucking insects descending on an unwary sunbather.

I still try to curate and upvote, but I suspect its nothing more than a drop in the ocean of futility.

Sadly that is how world works. Not only Steemit or internet. Human is a beast that wants to maximize the gain using as little assets as possible. People will do this as long as there is something to gain.

Exactly right, which begs the question -- "Why didn't the creator(s) of Steemit anticipate this fundamental greed?"

I don't have the answer to that one, and I suspect they don't either.

Oh well, I'll be here until the lights turn off - I'm stubborn that way. (Or I find something better, naturally.)

People are naive, when they come up something new, for some reason they start to believing in goodness and kindness of people. That there will be community that actually could make utopia happen.

And still, we all know that isn't ever going to happen. People are greedy, they lift their selves up, over the people they consider fellows. People feels that they deserve it more than others. If people actually could live as equals in harmony, maybe also communism would work ! :DD Buuuuut it doesn't.

Llamas not lambos! :)

Hmmm, what makes quality content, I wish i knew, i'd probably have more followers! I think you just need to write about what interests you, putting your own thoughts down on the screen, being honest with your readers and yourself. Most people can tell if you're trying too hard... i think the best posts i've read to date are where people are just being themselves, letting it all spill out of their mind through the keyboard and on to steemit.
Everything has its place, and sometimes, it can all depend on how you're feeling on that day... something you might find funny most days can sometimes turn you off on the odd occasion. We're all a little bit odd like that (well i am), and to create content that everyone likes is probably impossible, but, you can create content that you like, and if others like it too, then that's surely what it's all about?!? :)

I happen to love llamas, i would trade lambo for lamas any day!
Steemit is becoming some what therapy for me. I love ranting about, well, everything. And in here there are people who sometimes like to read my rants. win/win!

I liked to consume this. Please consider consuming my quality content too.

This was quality comment, thank you for supporting my cause.

this comment is a quality comment

speaking about content. robo vampire idea is something I would like to do in one of my future art projects. It would require your body as an outline. Could I use some of your photos please?

Robo-vamp sounds still awesome for me. Feel free the use what you need :)

Btw, i have to give you honor to be my 666th post. it just feels extremely suitable considering robovamps and all:D

how much blood will this honor cost? Will I still be able to do my work? 😝

Free of charge! Totally complimentary:D