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RE: Modern Day Slavery

in #life7 years ago

I congratulate you on this publication, there are few people who know this type of slavery of large companies that keep for hire people who work up to 12 hours or more for a humiliating salary, for example in Venezuela is happening where people are working and only earn a dollar a month or less of that and they work up to 8 hours a day, here all human rights are violated and there is no one who manifests or helps because every time the government ignores or miso the NGOs that promote human rights , hopefully the leaders had the vision to help and not allow slavery, thanks for sharing this publication with everyone, I will be aware of your upcoming publications to give you my support


Thank you very much and it's sad to hear that these things happen in your country. I hate it that international institutions are focussed on one problem and neglect millions of people around the world who are starving or having to flee or have to work as modern day slaves.