Only Remembered By What We Have done- Dedicated To A Love One

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Death remains an inevitable phenomena
When it knocks, we have no option than to open
He visits when no one calls him
He is a respecter of nobody
He doesn't care if you are young or old
He comes to inflict pains in the lives of the survivors
He is the father of sorrows
He doesn't have a second thought while making decisions
He doesn't mind the situation he finds his victim

All he needs is his own happiness
All what makes it happy is the survivor's tears
He is selfish
He is rude
He is heartless
His only joy is creating emotional trauma
He is a joy stealer
He is a murderer

Each and every day draws us closer to our destiny..
Its of a truth that we don't know what the future holds though we always pray for something positive...
Fading away by the stars of the morning,
Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling
Only remembered by what we have done...
We are not remembered by how long we lived
We are not remembered by the things we achieved
Neither are we remembered by how rich we were
But wee can only be remembered by the impact we created on earth when we are gone

Though I Miss You, You Will Be Remembered By What You Have Done
When we met in uniuyo at the congress,
She advised and cautioned me.
She made me believed in myself
She told me we were gonna reap from our struggle
She assured me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel
The experiences she shared kept me strong as a fresher then
While I complained of the stress, she assured me that we are gonna come out stronger and happier
She struggled,
Gave in her best in studying
Accepted some terms and condition just so she will be a better person in the future

She took another great step that every women wishes to take
She went the way every mothers passed through
She thought she will come out strong
She did all she was supposed to do to
She tried all she could to survive
But fate became the order of the day
She was unlucky
She couldn't make it
She couldn't come out alive from the theatre
Live left her
She lied helplessly on the hospital bed
She died
Leaving her new twin in this lonely world to suffer alone

You never made a wrong choice dear, you only thought it will lead to something better just like everyone else
I was happy that she almost achieved two things at a time
I was happy that she was going to receive a call from NYSC as a mother..
But instead of the Joy we expected, its sadness..
Instead of the child dedication, its gonna be burial
Instead of receiving a call to NYSC, she received a call to death
Instead of the light at the end of the tunnel, here comes gross darkness
Instead of testimony, its gonna be tribute

But can I question God in his perfect doings?
Of course No... He understands it all.
RIP is hard to tell you dear but we can't turn back the hands of clock
Farewell Grace
I will always remember you