Avoiding Procrastination & Making Effective Use Of Your Time To Achieve Maximum Result On Steemit

in #life7 years ago

Greetings Steemians. Welcome to my blog, your favorite destination for getting all tips that will guide you to maximum success on steemit and other areas of life endeavors. Today, we will be looking at procrastination and ways it can be overcome. The menace of procrastination is a threat to productivity in every sphere of life. And no one can claim never to have fallen victim to procrastination at some points in life. We are all guilty of procrastination but when a problem is known and efforts are directed towards combating it, it can fizzle out in no time.

Procrastination is a common state that can become so problematic that it may threaten one's job, education, and even personal life. It is defined as putting off or delaying something that needs to be done. The "something," often varies and may be anything from a chore at home to an important project at work or in college. Source

How many times have you wanted to make a post, visit blogs to carry out curation activities, be active in groups with aim of building up a favorably cohesive steemit based relationship with those who matter in the community, but would end up achieving nothing for the day? If there is anyone guilty of this, I am one and I trust many people are too. Are you one of us?
You have to tell yourself the truth to be able to overcome procrastination and its numerous disadvantages. For me, I procrastinate a lot when I joined steemit new; I knew I do. I was very conscious of it. Then, any week I was able to write two articles, I would celebrate it. I became so conscious of it that I had to look for solution. One individual I used to compare myself with then was @smyle.

I would wonder how @smyle managed to be so active in the various groups and still still writes at least one article every day! He responds to issues within these communities with speed of light. And if it is something that has to do with breach of rules in communities where he has administrative rights; even if the offense was committed at dead of night, @smyle would always come from nowhere to sanction the offender accordingly.

In my wonderment, I decided to effectively deal with procrastination. I came up with some strategies that not only helped me but also became part of my way of life today. These strategies are so effective that today, I write at least 5 articles per week and still hang out in chat groups. These strategies are what I am going to share with us today. So if you find yourself in a similar situation, you need to pay keen attention to these strategies.

I learnt to set goals

One of the the strategies that have been working for me is setting goals. I began to attach deadlines to particular responsibilities. I would break my daily steemit task into a list of realist and doable steps, assign deadlines to each and everyone of them. And then discipline myself to ensure I complete each and every task within the time assigned to it. This has really helped me to write at least one article everyday, curate and hang out in some communities.

I learnt to plan breaks

In order to reduce the chances of becoming bored doing same thing every passing day, I always factor in break periods whenever I am setting my daily goals. This is the period of respite I always look forwards to as my reward for the time I spent working without distraction. Whenever I am through with a particular task and approaching my break period, there is this sense of excitement I feel like oh, I can't wait!, you know — something like that! It feels marvelous! Even if my break period will last for 30 minutes, I don't play with it and always ensured I am well rewarded with that interim. I also make sure I am not carried away by it; once the break period is over, I discipline myself to return to work until the next break period is due.

I learnt to create a good workplace to avoid distraction

Another thing that has helped me to avoid procrastination is finding a conducive environment to work in order to avoid distraction. Distraction is anything that prevents one from accomplishing a set goal. Distraction does not only come about when there is noise; no. Anything can constitute a distraction, which will now lead to procrastination. Putting on an uncomfortable shirt, for instance, can make one decides to take a shower. From taking a shower to deciding to take a nap, and in the process you won't accomplish the goal you set for the day. So you are the only one who can determine what constitutes a distraction to you and deal with it accordingly.

I learnt to prioritize

Prioritizing according to order of importance of the individual tasks I have to accomplish daily, has equally helped me a great deal. For instance, when I have not commented on articles for sometime, what I would do is to attach a higher degree of importance to commenting on articles on a given day that actually writing article. This enables me to comment on articles first before writing any article. This way, I don't keep procrastinating on when to comment on articles.

Making effective use of your time is important to overcoming procrastination. For you to make effective use of your time, you have to discipline yourself to follow a predetermined course of action; you have to come up with a time able and stick to it no matter whose ox is gored. I hope the stated insights I am using to overcome will be of use to you. Thanks and God bless.

Follow @eurogee, the Steemivangelist and the founder of @euronation Newbie's Support Team; follow @euronation

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Don't give up. Success is within reach only if you persevere

Starting out in any endeavor in life is always not easy. And so expecting otherwise is therefore an indirect expression of unreadiness in pursuit of any worthwhile goals. This has been the core definition of my person. So in any endeavor I find myself, I usually stayed back even when everyone has left to see if there would ever be a chance for success. Only when all indicators turn red that I would throw in the towel. I am grateful to God that I didn't give up in the face of initial challenges.

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Nice one, I've been a victim of procrastination. I Signed up my steemit a/c last year November, and I kept on procrastinating.

Thank God for New Year Resolutions! I told myself that I was gonna make the most out of this year.

Procrastination is a thief of time.

Hahahahaha. Thank God you woke up!

That's some wake up call. I noticed that after two weeks the initial steam I brought to Steemit was beginning to wear off. There's a story I put up yesterday about the kingdom of the Steemititians. Could you believe I have written it a week before I was approved on Steemit. But I keep postponing it till I was almost losing it.

One mayor factor that causes procrastination in some people is over confidence. Often times we see a task as something we can just do with little effort in just a few minutes so we push it forward. And before we know it, the piling effect is already in play as the little things have added up to stare us in the face.

What I have done now is to have my task in written form and tick off each time I complete it on deadline. And its beginning to help. Am glad you put this up for most of us just starting this journey. Thanks @eurogee

Welcome boss. Thanks for elalso educating people with your own experience

Well said.
Procrastination is a huge killer and a major slow down in this platform. I learnt the effects the hard way.

Thanks for the tips you dropped. They are really doable and not some unrealistic tips.

Keep steeming!

Hahahahaha abi o, Nne. Thanks

Indeed I'm also a victim of procrastination. In fact I've also tried assigning a time frame to tasks and yet I still find myself defaulting.

Thanks boss for the tips, I see this helping me a great deal.


Hahahahaha. All you need is disciplining yourself and resolving to stay true to your plans. Thanks

Hello, this article caught my attention because I feel partly delayed in some tasks and I find that I have been procrastinating some of them. Taking your comments I will review the objectives and see why not find these activities aligned with my objectives and find the reason for the delay in initiating them. regards

It gladdens my heart to learn that you found my article useful.

Great post @eurogee,
Procastination really delays actualization of goals, getting ride of this will greatly help.

Sure brother.

Procrastination is poisonous...flee from it as far and fast as you can.thanks @eurogee

Welcome brother

Procrastination is a thief of time. Not only time o. I remembered last year November when I got some money, I decided to invest in bitcoin and the altcoin. Then, bitcoin was around 4k. honestly, up till now I did not know why I did not invest immediately. Before I know it 2weeks bitcoin had risen to 19k, jez. I invested my money in December when bitcoin was 19k believing it will continue to increase. Just the following day of investing it started dropping and now, everywhere is red.
See what procrastination caused me. 😢

Eyaaaa... That's quite heartbreaking. Hold boss!

wow!.. first time stumbling on your blog. See what my lack of activities here and the procrastination of changing is causing me.
In fact, this post spoke literally to my ears and in it i found a renewed moral booster again. But i still wonder how some guys combine the nature of omnipresence here and their daily offline activities.

Really boss...? Better learn your lessons now!

Thanks boss. I'm learning to live it at a time. And let it flow.

Procrastination is deadly. Why not ask why you can't do it now.

Why not ask why you can't do it now.

I love this boss. Thanks for being here

I've most a times fallen victim of this trend. But one thing is certain; determination and commitment is the remedying *FACTORS . I love the way you schedule your priorities, think I will give it a try to see that I also adopt and adapt to the strategy.

Sure man. Try it out. It pays a great deal. Thanks for being here

I've been procastinating a lot these days especially with writing my posts for steemit. Thank God for this post really let me borrow some of your methods to fight my own procastinating ish. Thanks a lot for sharing and true @smyle is truly all you said he is. I really admire his strength.

Abi. Thanks boss

I hate procastination to the very core although i have issue with patience

I learnt more from this

Welcome Nne

Thanks @eurogee i find my self in this dilemma but your post is clarion call for me to rise up. Though i set my goal on my steemit activities but following has not been topnotch, i will follow this article as a template to get of this charade

I am happy you found this post useful. Do use it; it will help you a lot.

Procastination is the thief of time and success because anybody with that attitude must suffer set back and lost of good things.therefore,strive hard to get rid of it before it get rid of you. Thks boss.

That's it boss!

Always on target sir. I know you and steemit will help pull me out and up. Thanks alot.