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RE: Apartheid and I

in #life7 years ago

Sorry for the many questions...but it's very interesting.Hi @gavvet, thanks for posting your experience with Apartheid! I assume that you experienced this from a white perspective, since you mentioned not knowing what the non-white side looked like at first? Did you get to interact at all with black kids, or how was it being a kid during apartheid in relation to non white kids? How did you parents feel bout this?

Sadly, segregartion still exists in other parts of the world, and I'm mainly thinking about the poor Palestinians who are being treated like cockroaches by Israeli occupying forces...


Cockroaches? When was the last time you visited the Palestinian authority or Israel to witness such atrocities? Or are you relying on biased reporting like most? I am an Israeli jew, and I've shared hospital rooms with Palestinians and received services from Palestinian businesses. An Israeli business that refuses to service someone for racist reasons, gets their ass sued.
Is that apartheid?

What about the West Bank @techslut? Are you saying Palestinians and Israelis have the same rights and living conditions? What about the illegal settlements? I certainly didn't mean to offend you, and you are right, I haven't been there myself so I can't speak of personal experience, but I have many friends who had to travel there or are from there (including Israeli Jews), and of course I also draw conclusions based on what I read. But I'm glad that your experience was different!

I am against Jewish settlements on the west bank, but have friends who live there and there's coexistence and cooperation for the most part. It's important to remember that people don't want this conflict. Politicians do.

I live in Israel and I also agree with you both 100%

with that I 100% agree =)

Growing up in rural areas the children of "black" farm workers were the nearest neighbors and plenty of time was spent with them, so I could not understand this segregation when I first encountered it.

Apartheid SA was a lot like NAZI germany. The people didnt really know what was going on in the country. Read Antjie Krog's book called Country of my skull.

crap, you obviously have no idea what happened in Nazi Germany.

You think the people of Germany knew about the gas chambers?

If you believe the post Germans, I am surprised how "few" Nazis there were, and I do believe that there were a hell of a lot more of them that knew about the murders occurring. In SA by contrast, it was the exception to murder Black people, and it was usually only those who resisted. Germany made the extermination of Jews a policy. SA had a policy to separate its people, also "non-white" folks were discriminated against (disgusting) but no comparison to Germany

Show me that German policy that called for extermination of jews. If you actually go look at the Nazi laws you'll see that it's very VERY similar to Apartheid laws. The only difference is that instead of Districts and Slums they had Concentration Camps.

Here's a nice little article about Nazi Laws.

do you have any idea of the logistics involved to move so many people? How many people were involved in administration? The tragedy is that before Hitler and the national mindset shift, Germany was the least anti-Semitic country in Europe. The initial laws were certainly comparable to SA but later? Don't you think that Hitler spoke about the Final Solution publicly at all? Besides Nazi Germany was the ultimate follower and expediter of Darwinism in its purest and fullest ideology. Crystal night? Did that happen here where all Jewish businesses where smashed etc? That was in the early 1930's when Nazi Germany was first formed... In some elements it was similar (I am sure you meant Ghettos instead of concentration camps). Apartheid made townships and homelands. The slums are the result of urbanisation that only seemed to start occurring in the early 1980's of the rural folk. This process is still happening, in fact, accelerating even in the new democracy of SA


Now that im reading more into it, it seems extremely clear that Nazi Germany directly influenced Apartheid. During WW2 John Vorster was imprisoned for supporting the Nazis instead of Britain. And later, he became Prime Minister, and then continued his love of apartheid. PS. The rest of the laws are also there, just click the links at the bottom of the article.