
Not even for the poor cats ?

If I recall the Gaza strip was doing very well economically a few years back when the Isrealies lived there. Due to international demand they gave it to the palestinians...

the palestineans trashed it...
today it's worse than Detroit.

who's fault was that?

It is israels fault, 100% zero debate to be had.... Sorry but you have zero knowledge of the facts. Israel controls every aspect of life for the 2 million people, average age 17, it holds in a state of collective punishment in its illegal siege of Gaza.... itself an open war crime.... and it does so, all because 20% of the population voted for HAMAS, a group created by israel as opposition to Arafats Fatah... then when they were elected, the rogue apartheid state of israel named them a terrorist group and used it as an excuse to blockade Gaza, and every act Hamas carries out benefits only israel.... Now israel controls all that flows in or out of Gaza and it brutalizes and terrorizes the population at every opportunity. It uses Gaza mainly as an area to test experimental weapons on live targets, and as an excuse to claim its under constant terrorist threat in order to milk $USD11million per day from US tax payers to fund its war crimes, terrorism and constant land theft against the people of Palestine.

Fuck israel, it is a racist, apartheid, child abusing, rogue state. Israel is the provable perpetrators of the 911 attacks and the main purveyor of terrorism, human trafficking and illegal organ sales in the world today. The fake jew khazar converts who run it are the biggest anti-life, anti-human, anti-christian, anti-muslim, anti all-who-are-not-themselves lying terrorist blood sucking lizard shit that satan ever spawned.

well...since you deny me the right to debate.
I won't.

there is no debate, as everything I outlined is 100% provable fact and to support israel is to support terrorism, racism, apartheid, child abuse, child slavery, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, organ harvesting, land theft, collective punishment, and the complete destruction of the Christian races....

Thanks Max, could not have said it better.

seeya's been real...

i'll be back.

not the cats anyway.