Agree wholeheartedly about the "Illuminati" "NWO" distraction. There is nothing luminous about people with more money than they know what to do with who are actively consolidating power and destroying lives through war, pharma and synthetic food.
On the other hand, activation of 'dormant powers' seems sketchy.
The ancients, who obviously knew something we don't, (they knew something about particle physic just by examining the Waking, Sleep and Deep Sleep states - where as we have to look through an electron microscope in order to see and corroborate what they intuited 10, 000 + years ago), they warned about the acquisition of "powers" human or otherwise.
Powers are viewed as impediments that actually stifle progress. Powers are a natural occurrence, an effluvium as it were, that offers itself to spiritual aspirants.
The portrayal of Siddhartha under the Bo Tree is an illustration of enlightenment vs power; as he meditates, he accosted by the temptation of the illusion of power.
He achieves enlightenment by forgoing the desire for power....
I'm short on time to elucidate.